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Arcane Reservoir: A Malifaux Podcast


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Arcane Reservoir


Good evening ladies and gentleman.

People may recognise me from SMP Radio or possibly as one of the Malifools.

Well I've started a "new" show.


I use quotations as it is new but any listeners that enjoyed me on either of those shows can expect mostly more of the same.


For those who have no idea who I am, what a Malifool is I guess I should explain:


Arcane Reservoir is a podcast done by myself and will be typically co-hosted by Aaron (Forestreverie on the forums) where we talk about a whole host of Malifaux subjects.


We avoid what many other great podcasts do such as personal in-depth battle reports between ourselves or model/faction spotlights.

If you want the latter I would suggest season 1 of Malibites, Schemes and Stones or Before We Begin.


We do cover battles occasionally and we do in episode one (or +1 as it is) where we speak about Dark Faux a tournament in London we both attended.


The second episode (already recorded but not edited or released) we speak about the Scottish GT but there is another level to this outside of just our games, don't want to give too many spoilers.


On a personal level Arcane Reservoir is the podcast that I want to record and would love to listen too (outside of my own voice).

Not afraid to talk about the bad as well as the good, though luckily the latter typically outweighs the former.


Aaron and I have been collecting and playing Malifaux since 1.5 and have been gaming much longer.

However, I aim for AR to not only be a platform for us but for many of the players in and around the UK (and sometimes from across the seas) to have a chance to be heard.

Top tournament players and other personalities with great experience and knowledge.


People who may have listened to SMP Radio will have noticed a huge bunch of fantastic guests we had on.

  • Adam of Cheated Fates speaking about Captain Con, American vs UK meta and much more.
  • The Black Joker Society, including top players Mark Elwood and Maria Wieland who as far as I know haven't been on a podcast and are huge fonts of knowledge (Mark is currently ranked no.3 and Maria is no.6 in the UK)
  • Martin Wodehouse and Luke Cocksedge, two similarly highly ranked players (7 and 24 respectively) both with big accolades and both players who have been a part of the Malifaux tournament scene since the beginning.
  • David "Clousseau" Brown, TO extraordinaire and possibly the man who has ran the most Malifaux tournaments (in the world)
  • Aaron Darland, you know, that bloke from Wyrd. We had him on to speak all things Wyrd and give what I believe was the earliest precise insight into DCR 

There may have been even more, but this is the sort of thing I like doing with the podcast as well as being able to help TOs (and myself admittedly) get a word out there about their events.


For those who did listen to SMP Radio you are probably wondering about the change.

For me, I have not fallen out with Ben or Oz, in fact while typing this up Austin has just text me.

At time they have both fallen out of love with Malifaux, specifically when Ben dropped for a while is when I started "making calls" for guests and I saw a different future.

The main reason, possibly selfish, is with Austin doing work on Wargamer Nation I am now the one doing the editing etc. and Ben being a busy man and part of that show it's hard for me to get everyone together on a regular basis and clear what we are doing.


On top of this, Ben had stopped representing SMP at events, originally because he wanted to push TWC his local club.

I can respect this but with a few others rarely making events just having two people as a team seemed a little pointless and means the show title made even less sense.

That and those Black Jokers tried to recruit us (well maybe just Aaron).


I hope to have both the lads on the show in the future.


I don't like to be in control but hey, Arcane Reservoir is my baby, if it turns out a mess, it's my fault.


The Future


Well I spoke a little about +2 but I already have plans locked in for further.

  • UK no.1 Greg Piskosz will be on the show, under the plan of speaking about GenCon but I want to find out even more from him.
  • Dominic Westerland, the announcer of the Breachside Broadcast has asked to be a guest and I am definitely up for that.
  • One of the UK's favourites Josh Fletcher (who has maybe been mentioned on every episode of SMP Radio) will make an appearance.
  • Plus plans for The BJS to return as well as Luke and Martin plus many more.

In the future I will hope to also get back into blogging, my blog formerly malibros.blogspot is now http://arcanereservoir.blogspot.co.uk/

I hope to tie this into the show and hopefully will do some more community projects.

Tale of Malifaux Bloggers season 3 for example.


Also competitions as many shows do, so look forward to the chance for FREE STUFF.



Hopefully this is enough explanation, especially as it's mostly unnecessary.

The link to the show is right under the banner and it will be on iTunes soon (just waiting for them to review it).


Cheers Malifolks,

Hope you enjoy the show(s). 



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