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Desperate Mercenaries?


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Tara, I pay better, scion of the void, desperat merc.

ping the merc for 1 and give fast and burry

get scion buried

2nd Tara activation un burry in combat and chain activate

merc discards for I pay better makes 2 focused scion attacks with the plus flip for being desperat, then unburry the scion who can attack if she hasn't activated.

verry risky play but I have used it as my solo besti bomb if I don't really want to do the bomb but do need to remove a big guy (such as a rider) early or to accompany the main best bomb as a cheep second hit


also used him as frontline fodder for Levi, I dont mind hitting it in combat as I can tell it to attack and it wold get a plus flip or if its wounded I can turn it into a abom and possibly get a stone back

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5 hours ago, izikial said:

Tara, I pay better, scion of the void, desperat merc.

ping the merc for 1 and give fast and burry

get scion buried

2nd Tara activation un burry in combat and chain activate

merc discards for I pay better makes 2 focused scion attacks with the plus flip for being desperat, then unburry the scion who can attack if she hasn't activated.

verry risky play but I have used it as my solo besti bomb if I don't really want to do the bomb but do need to remove a big guy (such as a rider) early or to accompany the main best bomb as a cheep second hit


also used him as frontline fodder for Levi, I dont mind hitting it in combat as I can tell it to attack and it wold get a plus flip or if its wounded I can turn it into a abom and possibly get a stone back

Many a typo, there, but that's illegal unless I'm misunderstanding. Can't have the scion stay buried at the end of the turn. That's also spending 5-7 health on two fragile guys for two focused attacks...

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sry phone typing, I did say merc unburries scion.

super risky sure, 1wd on merc and 6 on scion but its more used to shut down a tough solo flanker like an emissary or rider then with taras positional power you burry scion for healing and move to your bulk foce

I find use for mercs anyway with Tara, void wretch and winged plauge are better in specific scenarios as a flanker but mercs are rounded, and if I keep him near Tara I can get a stone back of a modle using 1/4/7 or fixed 3dmg attacks

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Oh. Misunderstood what you were saying. Why aren't you just throwing 12ss worth of death (like killjoy, taelor, etc.) out at that point, and how are you getting 3 damage on that target first?

I don't understand why you're using two models, nearly killing them, and definitely overextending them, for some swingy thing when you can just get a ton of high damage and health up field.

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I'm not doing 3 damage first, I was saying a merc doing fixed 3 dmg atacks with a plus flip to hit is good for the cost if they borrow the scions attack

although I'm using 12 Ss (merc and scion) I'm sort of not CUs if the merc dies I get 1 back so he cost 3 and the scion is so mobile that she isn't a committed modle, it lets me lightning strike a splinter group and remove them turn one, then turn 2 reposition to the bulk force, and if the attack is botched with a modle like kJ or nothing beast then they are in a sticky place and might waste a few turns there. If its botched with the merc oh well and the scion is of to the rest of my force anyway

as is my mantra with the mercs, there not my first choice but they are versatile enough to be a safety choice to gain activations and fill lots of roals

kJ kills more than merc scion but is more pigeon holed

wretches are quicker, but cant shoot and are fragile early turn

I had a kJ alpherd into my Tara wrecking her face and same game alpherd into my emissary, can Marcus do that with my merc, meh

you want to obay my 12ss beast late in a turn and I'm Tara with no cards,a upsie.

same situation but I'm useing a merc, oh well

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