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Some questions to prepare me for my next few games


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1) Ramos' Field Generator upgrade. I don't know why I haven't looked at this upgrade more, but looking at it now it seems worth considering, specifically in strategies like Turf War and Guard the Stash. It lasts till Ramos' next activation, it only requires an 8 of any suit, and it's stackable like Mei Feng's Vent Steam, isn't it? As a two point upgrade I can swap it out with Arcane Reservoir without much issue. I'm usually overly defensive with Ramos and end up just moving (or magnetizing), summoning spiders, and dropping scheme markers. This upgrade will allow me to be more comfortable playing him closer to the action and will give me something to spend his AP on. Not to mention, it affects ALL models, not just constructs, giving much appreciated extra survivability to Johan or the Captain in addition to himself and Howard, especially with a nearby metal gamin. Have people already been using this and I'm late to the party?

2) When building a list, I sometimes have about 8-10 points left over and think I could use a couple metal gamin for some sturdy scheme running or fighting. I sometimes think of taking two, but then I think to myself "if I'm going to be taking 2 metal gamin, why not just find 4 more points for Mech Rider? Should I just force myself out of this mindset, or is there any validity to it?

3) After trying December Acolytes (and Willie!) in my last game, I've come to the conclusion that cover sucks. My Acolyte was unable to get a shot off without needing to focus before it died on turn 2 (granted, it was Viks) and Willie similarly got a shot without LoS on turn 1, missed, a shot on turn 2 and dealt 2 damage, and then spent the game dropping scheme markers and accomplishing no more than a 4 point model could have. Is this pretty normal for the Acolytes? I know I didn't play Willie to his strengths so maybe I need to let him have another chance.

4) Working off of #3, I'd like to try running Silent ones. Do they desire a metal gamin babysitter? What does the gamin do in the meantime, drop scheme markers? I don't like the idea of Ca5 with no triggers so I think I'd want them direct firing, right? Any other tips on how to use them well?

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1) Field Generator is pure money. Ramos is really tough and can generally sit pretty comfortably just behind the front line and I've gotten so much use from field generator. It also tends to work pair nicely with the under pressure, BET and PBF upgrades as they all have a similar area of effect.


2) I don't think you'll get many people to dissuade you from taking the mech rider... However hiring metal gamin can get you an early start on your schemes, where as the summoned one's take a bit longer to get scheming. Both are great options, you can probably just choose based on your personal preference. 


3) Acolytes are bonkers good and you'll be hard pressed find a better shooter for its cost in our faction (probably in the game). I've see them in just about every arcanist list, but I tend to stick to theme pretty strictly. However if you'r looking for a nice alternative and slightly fluffier ranged model then try giving the ox mages or gunsmiths a try. Especially if your running the PBF upgrade, the gunsmiths laugh at cover modifiers against burning models. 


4) Silent ones are also very solid, but again I would lean more towards the ox mages personally. They are great on their own due to their built in Df trigger and probably the best thing about them is that they don't randomize into melee and ignore cover. 

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So as for the Acolytes, would you say you spend more time moving around looking for a clear shot, or focusing? Or are they more for the forward deployment to scheme a bit and then come in for a few shots in the mid to late game?

Basically how do you use them, I know they are universally used in all schemes.

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