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Sonnia: General Advice and Strategy

Rurouni Benshin

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Hi again everyone,


I had a question concerning Sonnia, and her upgrade, "Reincarnation".  The ability states when a model with the Burning condition, is reduced to 0 Wds, she may discard 2 cards or a soulstone to summon a Witchling Stalker.


Does this include when a model dies during the Upkeep phase as a result of taking Burning damage?



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Yes as this is when the model dies. 


edit - probably one for the rules section too as not really advice and strategy when it's one specific question (unless you have more to add?).

Not at the moment, but I suspect that I will once I've tried playing her. I did a similar topic with a couple of other Masters, and had a lot more to share, but that was also after having played them at least once.


Once I get a game or two with Sonnia in, I'll have a lot more to add.  Thanks again!

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Yep! Just got to remember that you get nothing if the model did not have Burning when you strike the last blow, even if the final attack applies Burning.

This is not exactly true. If the one striking is Witchling Stalker, burning is applied at the same time as damage.
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