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My First Henchmen Hardcore

Rurouni Benshin

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Hi everyone,


This is my very first Malifaux Battle Report!  I apologize ahead of time for the lack of pictures, but I do promise that next time I will have some to share. This is a 3-part Battle Report, as it is going to be about my very first tournament. Now, for the details of the tournament.



  • 20 SS, Henchmen lead only.
  • Fixed lists and factions throughout the entire tournament.
  • Any unspent soulstones are wasted.
  • Close Deployment
  • Strategy: Turf War (Turn 1 scoring begins)
  • Scheme: Assassinate


My Crew:

Faction: Outcasts

  • Ama No Zako (Leader)
  • Upgrades: Survivalist, I Pay Better
  • Bishop
  • Hans

Round 1:


Opponent’s Faction: Guild

  • Sidir (Leader)
  • Death Marshal
  • Death Marshal
  • Lone Marshal


Terrain lay out was fairly open around the center, with some Ht 1 Severe pieces scattered about. A few Ht 2 buildings were around, but none that proved to impede too much movement.  My opponent deployed first, putting Sidir between his 2 Death Marshals (1 within 1” from him, and the other about 5” away, further from the center of the board), towards the left of his deployment zone, just outside of the Turf War marker in the middle, with his Lone Marshal on the opposite end.  I placed both Ama No Zako and Bishop next to each other, directly across from Sidir and his Death Marshals, with Hans hanging back slightly just outside of the Turf War minimum distance.


Turn 1: He wins Initiative and elects to go second.


My 1st Activation:

Started with Bishop, and chose Ram as my included suit. Take a Walk action, and then charge Sidir, locking both him and the Death Marshal in melee. Managed to cheat with the Red Joker for max damage for a total of 7 damage on the first attack, and then hit him again for 5 damage on the second attack. He spent two soulstones to reduce the damage from 7 to 5 and then from 5 to 4, between the 2 attacks. Sidir now only has 1 Wd left.


His 1st Activation:

He activates Sidir. He (0) action heals himself for 2 first, and then attacks Bishop. We exchange 2 wounds, with 1 hit and 1 miss. He’s now back to 1 Wd.


My 2nd Activation:

I double move Ama No Zako to melee range of Sidir, but not of the Death Marshal next to him, and cast “Miasma of Boils and Flies”.  Both Sidir and the Death Marshal are within range of this aura. Spent 1 soulstone for the crow trigger.


His 2nd Activation:

He activates the Death Marshal in melee with Bishop, and takes 2 damage from the Hazardous terrain. He attempts to put Bishop into the “Pine Box”, and fails twice. I needed to cheat twice in order to avoid it.


My 3rd Activation:

Hans takes a single shot at the Death Marshal engaged with Bishop and manages to hit him for 2 damage. Triggered “Mask” on the attack, but no obvious effects since they’re not Incorporeal.


His 3rd and 4th Activations:

Other Death Marshal, who is just outside of Ama No Zako’s 4” aura attempts to “Pine Box” her, but fails his Horror Duel, and gets Paralyzed.  Lone Marshal then double moves towards the center.


Scoring for end of Turn 1: Tied at 0-0, since neither of us had 2 models within 6” of the Turf War marker.


Turn 2: He wins Initiative and elects to go first.


His 1st Activation:

He activates Sidir first, and (0) action heals 2 damage, and then attacks Bishop. Misses on the first attack, and takes 1 damage from Cage Fighter. Misses on the second attack and takes 4 damage from Cage Fighter. He spends a soulstone to prevent, but only manages to prevent 2 damage. Sidir dies.


My 1st Activation:

Ama No Zako, now no longer engaged with anyone, double moves towards the Lone Marshal, putting her within 6” of the Turf War marker. I then cast “Miasma of Boils and Flies” again, without having to use a stone.


His 2nd Activation:

He activates the Death Marshal engaged with Bishop. Tries to “Pine Box” him again, and fails to do so twice again. Only had to cheat once to avoid it from happening.


My 2nd Activation:

I activate Hans, and discard a card for the free Focus +1, having now beginning his activation within 10” of Ama No Zako. Takes his Focus +1 shot at the Death Marshal engaged with Bishop, and managed to hit him for 3 damage, killing him. I then take a Walk action around some terrain, moving as far away from the Lone Marshal as possible.


His 3rd Activation:

He activates the Lone Marshal, and takes no damage from Hazardous terrain, because I flipped the Black Joker. He decides to use “Trick Shooting” against Ama No Zako, after passing his Horror Duel. Flips the Red Joker to hit me, but flips the Black Joker to wound me. Pushes himself just within Ama No Zako’s 1” melee range.


My 3rd Activation:

I activate Bishop, and choose Ram as my included suit.  I charge the last Death Marshal, and managed to inflict 9 damage from 3 attacks, killing him.


Scoring for end of Turn 2: I’m winning 4-0, due to accomplishing Assassinate and having 2 models within 6” of the Turf War marker. He can not score from Turf War anymore since he only has 1 model left.


Turn 3: I win Initiative and elect to activate first.


My 1st Activation:

I activate Ama No Zako, and attack the Lone Marshal twice. I miss both times, but managed to cast “Miasma of Boils and Flies” again.


His Only Activation:

He activates the Lone Marshal, and takes 1 damage from the Hazardous terrain. He passes his Horror Duel against Ama No Zako, but fails to wound her after 2 attacks.


My 2nd and 3rd Activations:

Bishop takes 3 Walk actions to get closer to the middle of the board. Hans discards a card for Focus +1, and shoots the Lone Marshal, and manages to damage him for 4 damage from 2 separate shots


Scoring for end of Turn 3: I’m winning 5-0, since I never left the 6” of the Turf War Marker.


Turn 4: I win Initiative and elect to activate first.


My 1st and 2nd Activations:

I activate Bishop first, and take a Walk action towards the Lone Marshal. I then attack him with “Haymaker”and manage to Paralyze him. Ama No Zako then attempts to use “Swallow You Whole” on the Lone Marshal, and manages to do so on the second attempt. My opponent, clearly realizing that he has lost at this point, decides to allow it to happen (if anything just for the shear comic value of it)


Scoring for Turn 4 and 5: Since my opponent has no models left, I go on to win the round by a score of 7-0.


My Scores

Total Victory Points: 7

Total Differential: 7

Tournaments Points: 3


Round 2:


Opponent’s Faction: Guild

  • The Judge (Leader)
  • Upgrades: Unrelenting Leader
  • Death Marshal
  • Death Marshal
  • Death Marshal


Terrain on this board was more cluttered than the first, with a few Ht 2 pieces providing some good cover, along with a few longer Ht 1 walls, forming a bit of a semi-circle around the middle of the board. My opponent deploys first, putting 2 Death Marshals behind a Ht 2 wall, about 9” away from the Turf War marker. He then puts The Judge behind a Ht 2 building, not far from the Ht 2 wall, and his last Death Marshal on the other side of that same building. I deploy Ama No Zako directly in the middle of my deployment zone, across from the 2 Death Marshals behind the wall, with Hans on her left, behind a Ht 1 wall, and Bishop directly across from The Judge.


Turn 1: I win initiative and elect to go second.


His 1st Activation:

He activates one of the Death Marshals behind the wall, and moves him towards a Ht 2 structure that is within 6” of the Turf War Marker.


My 1st Activation:

I activate Ama No Zako, and double move her past the Death Marshal that just activated, landing between him and The Judge. Cast “Miasma of Boils and Flies” with the use of one soulstone.


His 2nd Activation:

He activates The Judge and takes 1 damage from Hazardous terrain. He first uses “Combat Effectiveness” on the Death Marshal engaged with Ama No Zako, and manages to hit her, but fails to wound, because of Black Joker. He then passes his Horror Duel, and attacks Ama No Zako himself. Manages to hit her once for 2 damage.


My 2nd Activation:

I activate Hans, and take a Walk action further along the wall to get LOS to his other Death Marshal hiding behind the wall. Managed to hit him for 3 damage and triggered “Kneecap” to give him Slow.


His 3rd Activation:

The Death Marshal on the other side of the building where The Judge was double moves around to get to the other side.


My 3rd Activation:

Didn’t want to get Bishop too far away from the group, and I wanted to make sure I scored for Turf War on Turn 1. Walked him towards the middle of the board, and went Def +2.


His 4th Activation:

The Death Marshal takes a Walk action towards the Turf War marker, but enters Ama No Zako’s 4” aura. Takes 1 damage from Hazardous terrain.


Scoring for end of Turn 1: Tied at 1-1. Both of us had at least 2 models within 6” of the Turf War marker.


Turn 2: He wins initiative elects to go first.


His 1st Activation:

He activates the Death Marshal in melee with Ama No Zako, and passes his Horror Duel. Attempts to put her in the “Pine Box” and fails twice.


My 1st Activation:

I activate Ama No Zako, and attack The Judge twice. Managed to hit him for 3 damage between both attacks, and one soulstone spent to prevent. Cast “Miasma of Boils and Flies”, without needing a soulstone this time.


His 2nd Activation:

He activates The Judge, and takes 3 damage from Hazardous terrain, after spending a soulstone. He passes his Horror Duel against Ama No Zako and attacks her twice, but fails to wound her.


My 2nd Activation:

I activate Hans, and shoots twice at the same Death Marshal that he shot at before. He manages to “Knee Cap” him again, and deals 4 damage total, killing the first Death Marshal.


His 3rd Activation:

He activates the Death Marshal from around the building and charges Bishop. He attacks twice, and we exchange 2 wounds from his hit and Bishop’s Cage Fighter.


My 3rd Activation:  

I activate Bishop and declare Ram as my included suit. I Flurry the Death Marshal that charged me and between the 4 attacks, I hit him twice for 6 damage, killing the second Death Marshal.


Scoring for end of Turn 2: I’m winning 2-1, since he lost 2 of the Death Marshals that would’ve been within 6” of the Turf War Marker.


Turn 3: He wins Initiative and elects to go first.


His 1st Activation:

The last Death Marshal finally manages to trap Ama No Zako in his “Pine Box”, because I flipped the Black Joker on his second attempt.


My 1st Activation:

Hans moves further along the wall again, and manages to get a shot on The Judge. Discarded a Crow for the trigger, and managed to Kneecap him with a shot for 1 damage, after spending a soulstone.


His 2nd Activation:

He activates The Judge, who takes his Walk action out from cover of the building, and now within 6” of the Turf War marker.


My 2nd Activation:

Bishop activates and I choose Ram (shocker!) for my included suit. I manage to get within Charge range and LOS of The Judge after a Walk action. I charge The Judge, and hit him for 5 damage on the first swing. Realizes that he can’t even prevent enough to stay alive, so opts to save the soulstones.


Scoring for end of Turn 3: I’m winning 5-1, for accomplishing Assassinate and for having 2 models within 6” of the Turf War marker. He is down to his last model, and can’t score Turf War.


Turn 4: I win Initiative and elect to go first.


My 1st Activation:

Bishop activates, and managed to cause 3 wounds out of the 3 attacks on the last Death Marshal.


His 1st Activation:

The Death Marshal fails his Wp duel with Ama No Zako, and she is released. He then passes his Horror Duel against her, and attempts to put her in the “Pine Box” again, but fails to do so.


My 2nd Activation:

Ama No Zako activates and finishes the last Death Marshal.


Scoring for end of Turn 4 and 5: Having ended up killing each enemy model by end of Turn 4, I end up winning the match 7-1.


My Scores

Total Victory Points: 14

Total Differential: 13

Tournaments Points: 6


Round 3:


Opponent’s Faction: Arcanist

  • Joss (Leader)
  • Upgrades: Open Current
  • Rail Golem
  • Metal Gamin
  • Metal Gamin


Terrain on this board was much more similar to the first board I played on, with lots of open area in the middle, but with buildings considerably taller. My opponent deployed first, putting Joss and one Metal Gamin on one side of a building in his deployment zone, and the Rail Golem and other Metal Gamin on the other side.  I deploy Ama No Zako in the middle of my deployment zone again, with Bishop on her left, opposite of Joss, and Hans on the right behind some Ht 1 terrain.


Turn 1: He wins initiative and elects to go second.


My 1st Activation:

I activate Bishop and choose Tome as my included suit. Take a Walk action and then Charge at Joss. Hit him twice, and managed to do 2, after he spent a soulstone to prevent.


His 1st Activation:

He activates the Metal Gamin next to Joss, and charges Bishop. Fails to hit him twice, and takes 2 damage from Cage Fighter.


My 2nd Activation:

I activate Ama No Zako and double move her across to the other side, and manage to get all but the Metal Gamin that engaged Joss within her 4” aura for “Miasma of Boils and Flies”. Spent 1 soulstone for it to work.


His 2nd Activation:

He activates Joss, and takes 2 damage from the Hazardous terrain. He first attempts to use “Open Current”, but I make my opposed duels. He uses his Pneumatic Fist against Bishop and managed a “measly” weak damage hit for 5.


My 3rd Activation:

I activate Hans, and he takes a shot against the Rail Golem. Hits him for 1 damage, and then I and walk him across, and closer to the center of the board.


His 3rd and 4th Activations:

He activates the second Metal Gamin, and takes 1 damage from the Hazardous terrain. Uses “Protection from Metal” and then goes into Defensive Stance.  His Rail Golem activates and takes 1 damage from Hazardous terrain. He charges Ama No Zako, and manages to hit her for 5 damage from 3 hits, thanks to Locomotion. I’ve now spent 2 soulstones.


Scoring for end of Turn 1: Tied 1-1, since we both have 2 models within 6” of the Turf War marker.


Turn 2: I win Initiative and elect to go first.


My 1st Activation:

I activate Bishop first, and choose Tome as my included suit. I Flurry against Joss, and managed to inflict 4 damage, forcing him to spend his last 2 soulstones. Also managed to give him Slow on one attack from a crow trigger.


His 1st Activation:

He activates Joss first, and uses “Open Current” first again, but I manage to make my opposed duels. Takes one attack at Bishop and misses, taking 1 damage from Cage Fighter.


My 2nd Activation:

I activate Ama No Zako, and attack the Rail Golem twice, but miss both times, because of “Protection from Metal”. Cast “Miasma of Boils and Flies”, with the help of cheating.


His 2nd Activation:

He activates the Rail Golem, and takes 1 damage from Hazardous terrain. Manages to bring Ama No Zako down to 1 Wd after 3 attacks.


My 3rd Activation:

Hans takes two shots at Joss and misses both times.


His 3th and 4th Activations:

The Metal Gamin engaged with Bishop attacks twice, and misses twice, but because I flipped the Black Joker once, he’s left with 1 Wd. The second Metal Gamin then takes 1 damage from Hazardous terrain, and stays behind the Rail Golem.


Scoring for end of Turn 2: Tied 2-2. No changes really happened here.


Turn 3: I win Initiative and elect to go first.


My 1st Activation:

I activate Bishop first, and manage to bring Joss to 2 Wd.


His 1st Activation:

He activates the Rail Golem, and just when I was certain that Ama No Zako would die, he actually misses with all 3 of his attacks. *whew*


My 2nd Activation:

I activate Hans, who discards a card for the Focus +1, and takes two shots at Joss. Managed to hit him on the second shot for 1 damage, allowing him to Reactivate. Joss is down to 1 Wd.


His 2nd Activation:

He activates Joss, and finally manages to put Bishop down. My first casualty in the tournament. *whimper*


My 3rd Activation:

Ama No Zako swings at the Rail Golem, but misses. I then take a Walk action to just get within 4” of Joss and the Metal Gamin that engaged Bishop. Cast "Miasma of Boils and Flies" after spending my last soulstone, which proved to be the game changer for me.


His 3rd, 4th, and 5th Activations:

Joss and the Metal Gamin with 1 Wd each left both die to the Hazardous terrain. Having already seen the Black Joker come and go, I know that they both would be guaranteed the 1 damage to take them down. The last Metal Gamin activates, and takes 1 damage.


Scoring for end of Turn 3: I’m winning 6-3, for having accomplished Assassinate before the end of turn 3.


Turn 4: I win Initiative and elect to go first.


My 1st Activation:

I activate Ama No Zako, and she finally manages to actually hit the Rail Golem, and also manages to trigger “Quaf Blood”, allowing her to take a healing flip.


At this point game was called, and we calculated Turf War for the final round. Final score was 7-4 in my favor.


My Final Scores

Total Victory Points: 21

Total Differential: 16

Tournaments Points: 9


1st Place! :D :D :D


My final thoughts:


I think I was fortunate in many ways. I honestly didn’t think I would even place in this tournament, let alone even place 1st overall.  I later learned that the second player I played had only been playing for about a month, and while I only started playing this past November, I didn’t think I had that much more experience than my opposition did. Ama No Zako was clearly the MVP in my list. I realize now that Hazardous terrain is quite overlooked, and if left unchecked is pretty crippling. Bishop is worth every point he costs, and then some. Hans was there for those kill shots when I needed him, and provided that one model presence in my half of the board that I needed.


Looking forward to doing more Battle Reports in the future! And don’t worry, I’ll definitely remember to take pictures! :D

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Also, remember that it's Tome, not Tomb. Just saying. :D


Seriously, thanks for the reports, Benshin. Henchman Hardcore just plays so differently from normal Malifaux.


Doh! Thanks for that. Yeah, it was about 2 am when I wrapped this up... And I do see how different Henchmen Hardcores are. Everything's much faster paced, and fortunate certainly does favor those who are more aggressive, it seems.


Congrats on the victory.


Thanks dude! :D

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Interesting report - thanks! It looks like a slightly non-traditional format, since Henchman Hardcore usually requires exactly 4 models in a crew, but I think there are still good ideas to be had here.

This one had a 4 model maximum, actually. I can't say for sure, but I know that at least 1 of the other 2 players I didn't face had a 4 model list. Otherwise, I may have been the only person who brought 3 models. Taking into account AP's, I was only short by a single AP from the get go, but it did work out in my favor.

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