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Freikorps trapper + flip





It came up in our last game: the freikorps trappers shoot action says that he receives + to his attack ACTION. We have played it the way that he gets + to both attack and damage flips since the rulebook says that the resolve phase is part of the attack action. However every source I have checked (this forum, our Malifaux forum, Pullmyfinger, etc.) says that only the attack flip receives the +. it is strange because usually the cards say that XY receives + to both attack and damagage FLIPS so it is an unusual wording.


My friend still doesn't completely agrees with it ( and he might not be wrong according to the rulebook :) ) so I thought I will ask it here and maybe get an official answer.


Thanks in advance!

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Yes, that means he only gets :+fate to the attack flip. The wording could be a little clearer, but the reason is that p. 46, big rulebook, says that any modifier to the damage flip has to specifically state that it modifies the damage flip, which this modifier doesn't do.

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Dirial has it right. The Trapper only gets  :+fate to his Attack Flips which is great as it mitigates Soft Cover, if it were both flips it would specifically state Attack and Damage Flips. Of course Focusing for the extra range results in  :+fate  :+fate Attack Flips and  :+fate Damage so there is that.... God damn I love Trappers! :D

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