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New player, buying guide


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Hi everyone, I recently started to play this wonderful game. I currently have Seamus and McMourning. I am not really concerned with acquiring any new masters but I was wondering what models to get to compliment what I have. Thus far Punk Zombies and The Hanged seem pretty good (possibly more canine remains for Sabastian's summon ability). Are those good choices? Is there anything else that is crucial for these masters? Thanks!

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I personally would NEVER hire a punk zombie. Save them till you buy the nicodem box.

The hanged, ... Personally, again, I would never hire one unless it was close deployment. I'd also not buy them at the moment. I do like both, but for me exclusively as summons.

I can only really speak to Seamus, as I don't play McMorning often. I'd buy Yin next, she's great. Past that, more belles, a dedicated scheme runner of some kind, either necropunks or Crooligans. I tend to just let my belles and my nurse be my scheme runners almost exclusively for seamus, but sometimes I need 1 model to go off on its own. If you aware getting Crooligans you'll most likely want to spring for the molly box.

The valedictorian is pretty decent.

Maybe a rogue necromancy.

Dead doxies if you can find the metals, or proxy them in some way.

Izamu is always worth considering.

But as far as seamus is concerned, buy Yin, now.

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As a resser I would never buy any minions box where those minions also come in a master box (eg: crooligans come in Molly's box, Punk Zombies come in Nicodem's box etc.) because at some point you'll likely want that master, totem and their henchman. 

For that reason, I like the hanged as a purchase. I often hire 1, as they have down right scary abilities, but I doubt I'd ever hire 2.

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I personally recommend Guild Autopsies, Shikome, and Dead Doxies, if you can get your hands on some (new sculpts aren't out yet, as far as I know).  I don't play Seamus, so my advice will be from a McMourning perspective.


Dead Doxies have a movement spell with a LOT of utility, useful abilities, and they have a decent melee punch if you need it.  I am a weird Resser player in this regard, but I personally prefer them over the similar Rotten Belle models that you already know and love.  Think of them as a more flexible utility model, where the Belles are specialists (and their specialty is Lure).


Guild Autopsies are a very good summon option for McMourning, although they are cheap enough that hiring one could work too.  Put Spare Parts on him and you can drop a scheme marker within 5" of any corpse marker on the table using Spare Parts summoning and Injection.  They also synergize with his poison mechanic, being able to hand it out easily using their gun, and Embalmed making it so they generate a lot of poison when deployed/summoned, which McMourning can then use for a poison bomb or leave on the Autopsies for fast healing minions.


Shikome might suit your tastes, as they charge poisoned models for (1) and do some damage.  They aren't as scary without the Adversary condition (something that Spirit themed crews use a lot), but they can hand that out as a (0) spell.  Proxy them for now though.  The new model artwork was spoiled a short time ago, so I imagine they are coming soon.

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