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Zombicide Season 1 Survivors

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Those look cool man, I just ordered my copy a day ago and can't wait to get painting.  It's clearly obvious what some of the mini's are supposed to be (action heroes, etc). How in the hell did they get away with that, without getting sued for using "the likeness" of copyrighted material?  Anyone know? I'm sure if I tried to make a game and did that, I'd be sued.

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Those look cool man, I just ordered my copy a day ago and can't wait to get painting.  It's clearly obvious what some of the mini's are supposed to be (action heroes, etc). How in the hell did they get away with that, without getting sued for using "the likeness" of copyrighted material?  Anyone know? I'm sure if I tried to make a game and did that, I'd be sued.


It isn't that hard, it looks like.  Here's what they did:


- They did not use any of the names, and do not admit that they made any tribute characters at all, ever.


- When the were confronted about two characters, they altered them.  The two in question were based on characters from Quentin Terrentino films (Jules and the Bride).  The two were changed so that they didn't match the characters they were originally based on.


- With the way they're doing it, no one would think that they're actually licensed (ie- the names are all different).  I suspect that for most copyright holders, it isn't worth it to go after them (ie, it would cost more than they would get).  


- They also might be relying a little on the obscurity of the game market all together, and aren't being noticed until after they've finished delivering their Kickstarter.  You might notice, almost every tribute character is Kickstarter Exclusive, so if they got a Cease and Desist order, they wouldn't actually have anything they'd need to cease doing.


Also, not every company feels the way GW and Lucusfilm do about their copyrighted materials.  A lot of them don't really care if people make silly knock-offs.

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