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My first crew - Relic Hunter


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First of all the bad bit (I like to end on a good note) the bases, as a majority for me are a bit bland. Thats just my own personal preference though.


The good parts :D the colours are all really nicely chosen. Despite each model having different colours they all 'fit' as a crew and tie together really nicely. The wastrals are particularly nice. My favourite how ever has to be Luna. Great job.

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Thank you all for your kind words. By the time I'm done painting a mini I'm oddly simultaneously happy with the way they turned out and painfully aware of their many flaws.

Yes, I was a bit timid with the bases. I've already picked out the next crew I'll do: "The Tourch and The Blade" - Sonnia Criid and co. I'm thinking of stretching a bit on those bases.

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This is a good looking crew! Going crazy with the bases while totally awesome for the models can lead to a lack of visible faction cohesion, so be careful there. That's the nice thing about relatively simple but effective bases across multiple crews in the same faction. Unless you do the same type of thematic extravagant bases on all your crews of a single faction. Again they look great!

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  • 4 weeks later...

I really like the way you painted these, they look very realistic.  There's something about the 'texture' of the paint (by look, since of course I'm sure it's smooth in real life) that just adds an extra level of grittiness.  I do think that Sidir looks a little out of place with his bright red and yellow clothes, but I gave up ages ago trying to make Malifaux crews look remotely cohesive. Luna and the first Wastrel are definitely my favourites.

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