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Ceaseless Advance in multiplayer games



Hi just wondering how ceaseless advance would work in a multiplayer game, would a single player need to be out of cards, or all opposing players in order to get reactive?


Ceaseless Advance: When a friendly model ends its Activation, if the opposing player has 0 cards in hand, this model gains the Reactivate Condition. 

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Off-hand, my first thought would be to have the next player in initiative order or the next player clockwise be that target of any "when an opposing player has X" effect, as a general rule, but I haven't put it into practice. I'm interested to hear what other solutions there are.

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Along the same lines as the idea of picking one opponent for one scheme and a different one for the other, it's a good idea to determine a 'default' opponent for everyone before the game begins, for reasons like this. So everyone knows going in that if they run across that kind of issue, their default to trigger that rule is the guy to the left, or whatever. It puts a little direction to the multiplayer games, which helps keep them from becoming the standard where everyone else picks on one poor sap til he's dead.

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In a team game 2 v 2 both players sitting across from you are your opponents. The ability was not written with the team game in mind or else it would have added an (s) to the end of the word player. It is not impossible to accomplish in a 2 v 2 format, you just have to hire and or summon more Belle's to remove 2-3 cards out of both opponents hands and force them into a dilema of holding onto their good cards or playing them. The grave spirit also helps as well.


It is a very powerful ability in the team game when your hiring 70SS between the 2 players. It would be way too easy to remove a hand from one opposing player with two players using lure on the same opponent as well as using a grave spirit to force another discard. It is better to error on making it difficult than making it too easy for multiple models with ceasless advance to gain reactivate. Especially when they put the ability on a damn good 4SS model. 

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I personally am more interested in the ruling on 3 or 4 player non team games. 


So far we have played it that all opponents have to be at 0 cards in hand, which is pretty difficult to do, though I think it might be too easy and abusable if it were only 1 opponent that needed to be at 0 cards.

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I would agree with Resserbob in that you declare one player as your opponent before the game starts. Many rules and schemes would be pretty hard if you had to count all 3 opponents in the game. But also, it can sometimes make things easier if the others team up on your target opponent. Overall, I would say that is the most fair way to do it. 

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