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New to Malifaux


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After playing 40K and WM, I saw a couple people playing this game a while back in my local gaming store.  The game looked interesting, so I would like to start very small and see if I like the game before investing too much into it,  As I think the wesite here does a terrible job of of showing you what you need to get into the game, I do have a few questions.


1.  What do I need to buy to get started besides a box set?


2.  For the life of me, I cant find anywhere that has pictures of the models. Is there a place I can go see them by faction?


3.  Is there any tablet support for cards/gameplay similar to Warmachines?


4. Is there a place I can see the cards so I know what models would be a good choice for certain lists?



Thanks for any and all responces.



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Hey 66, welcome to this side of the breach!


1. Aside from the starter box, you'll need the Malifaux 2nd ed rules manual ($15) (here).  This will give you all the rules for the game, and the crew box will come with cards for every model in it. 


The alternative if you want to see the rules for other models is to buy the Malifaux 2nd edition rule book ($40) and Malifaux 2E: Crossroads ($45) (here).  These two books will give you the full rules for the game and the rules for every model currently in the game plus a whole bunch of backstory, whereas the Rules Manual only gives you the game rules.


Edit:  Forgot the deck of playing cards!  That's important since Malifaux uses cards instead of dice.


2. This link takes you to the webstore where you can see the CAD renderings for all the models currently in plastic.  Wyrd doesn't show painted pictures of their models in their webstore for some reason, but the CAD renderings are very faithful to the final model.


3. As far as I know, there's no tablet support.


4. Your best bet is to grab Malifaux 2nd edition rule book and Malifaux 2E: Crossroads since you'll have the rules for every model.  Alternatively, check out Pullmyfinger: this is a fan controlled wiki that has very good descriptions of all the model in the game and how they play.  It's a great resource for new players! 


One alternative is to buy both the Wave 1 and Wave 2 arsenal decks for a particular faction you find interesting (~$15 total) (here).  There are two arsenal decks for each faction, and the combination of both will give you all the rules for everything in that particular faction.  Note that models always come with their rules card, but the arsenal decks are more efficient if you want an entire faction.  However, they would add up in cost quickly if you wanted multiple factions; therefore, I would recommend Malifaux 2nd edition rule book and Malifaux 2E: Crossroads if you simply wanted to see all the models.


Hope this helps, and feel free to PM if you have any questions!

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1. Aside from a crew box (which is similar to the boxes in WM only there is one per master instead of just 1 per faction) you will need:


*The basic rule book. You have two options here. The big $40 book which also includes lots of fluff and rules for half the models in the game (the other half and alot more fluff are in a separate book called Crossroads). The other option is the mini book for $15. It has just game rules and nothing else.


*A deck of cards. You can use a standard poker deck with two different jokers, but since Malifaux uses different suits the official decks are a bit easier for new players.


*Tape measure. I know its obvious, but I included it for completion.


*Tokens for conditions and missions are very helpful (as a WM player you probably have this covered).


2. The renders on the back of the boxes (and also the artwork on the current cards) are pretty accurate representations of the models. Or in some cases they will be when the model gets resculpted. Wyrd has decided to resculpt its entire mini line from scratch. If its plastic (everything on the webstore is) it is the current and new sculpt.


3. Not that I know of.


4. The big core book and Crossroads together have the rules for every model out currently (and quite a few that are not out yet). Additionally, if you have a better Idea about which faction you like of the 7, each has two arsenal decks. Between both you will get the rules cards for every model in said faction (between 1-3 copies of each) as well as all available upgrades.


Hope that answers a few things, and I hope you enjoy the game.

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Don't forget markers!  A lot of people use dry erase markers directly on the cards - I prefer to put the cards in a sleeve and use a permanent marker, as that still comes off with saliva.


the Arsenal Deck is good to have for the upgrade cards (this contains model cards and upgrade cards, though if you buy the plastic models they'll have the model cards anyway).  


While a Fate Deck (malifaux-specific) is a bit easier, any deck of cards will work.    That's about it!


I like having the big book as it gives you the chance to look at different models to give you an idea what you want to buy, and you also get to read about other models you're playing against too.  Oh, and pullmyfinger has a wiki on all the models.

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Wow Moxypoo, that is quite the timing we had there with very similar posts nonetheless.


And as the good captain above suggested, you could use markers (once again you should be use to this with WM). Or you could use dice or any other form of wound tracker. Malifauxs wound system is much simpler and more traditional than WMs.

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