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Pandora in Interference


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Do you think Pandora is viable in Interference? I know she prefers when people don't spread out much, but do you think she cold be effective in this strategy or would she just lag behind the summoners? Also how would you run her in Interference?

I'm guessing Candy and Waldgeists would make an appearence, but after that?

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I haven't played Pandora in Interference, while I have played her a lot in Recon; her "weak" strategy. As you said Pandora likes when models are bunching up, but she doesn't need them to, not at all in fact. She is fast enough to get to where she can impact the most, and will have no problems with simply killing enough models to conquer quarters. Pandora and a pair of Waldegeist should be great in this strategy, also don't overlook the cheap and resilient Depleted! 

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I think Pandora can be played to good use in any match up. Instead of going for Misery damage, use incite, nobody likes me and paralyze triggers to control when models move and hold certain sides of the board that way. Honestly, I've played Interference 3 times now and I think its better to stop everyone from gaining points in it and focus on the schemes instead. Just toss one annoying model Walds, Barbaros, Depleted in a zone and laugh as they scramble to remove it. Toss in some Lure models like Beckoners and Baby Kade and she has ways to keep people where she wants them and activating exactly when she wants them too.

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Ok cool! :)

What I've got painted so far for neverborn are

Pandora, Baby Kade, Candy, 2 Sorrows, 2 Waldgeists, 2 Silurids, Mr Graves and Mr Tannen

Stuff I've got lying around unpainted is Lilith's box set, Primordial Magic, 2 Teddies, Widow Weaver, 2 Stitched, Coppelius, 1 sorrow, Poltergeist, 3 Daydreams, Dreamer and Chompy. Unless I'm forgetting something.

Iron painter kind of messes with my time to paint minis for the tournament, but if I've got more time to paint neverborn I'm not sure what I would paint. Maybe Primordial Magic and Barbaros. I hope next round will give me an idea to paint something Neverborny. This time it's not.

Hmm not leaving as much as I want to play several factions :D I always thought Neverborn were really cool (and I have a ton of ressers, a bunch of outcasts and guild lying around at home wanting attention too). I do think I might need some vacation from Arcanists though.

I didn't play in the last lincon tournament so I can't really recommend it since it will be my first, but I have a few friends coming so it should be fun! :) I've been to lincon once, seven years ago and had a pretty good time playing board games and stuff. 

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If I were you my priorities for painting would be (in order) Primordial Magic (I almost never leave him at home when playing Pandora, Widow Weaver (-wp markers help pandora a lot), then Teddy or Barbaros. I'd bust my butt to get widow weaver and especially primordial magic done in time though as they are so damn good with Pandora. 

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Yeah Primordial would be number one :) Hmm Widow Weaver is really cool and seems really good. Just that what I've got painted seems to lack a heavy hitter? Well maybe Mr Graves fills that role well enough. I guess I'm just really used to playing those heavyweight Arcanists.

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I think Pandora is better in interference than in recon.

Because interference needs non-engaged models, so Pandora & her friends can use their :melee  Range to deny quarter control.   

And Insidious Madness is very good for recon / interference. it can be used as Scheme Runner and it can reduce Opponent's Wp in range.  


Primodial Magic is great for schemes, so I think it is usually better than Poltergeist.  

Graves is cheap and good beatstick. But important thing is Pandora's Crew usually has good beststicks like Baby Kade, Teddy, Doppleganger, Candy. 

So Don't worry about damage dealing. And If you can't kill something, paralyze it. 


Doppleganger is good toolbox model. she can interact while engaged and has mimic. 


Waldgeist is our best 6ss model. It can do many things like Doppleganger.  

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Ok cool! :)

What I've got painted so far for neverborn are

Pandora, Baby Kade, Candy, 2 Sorrows, 2 Waldgeists, 2 Silurids, Mr Graves and Mr Tannen

Stuff I've got lying around unpainted is Lilith's box set, Primordial Magic, 2 Teddies, Widow Weaver, 2 Stitched, Coppelius, 1 sorrow, Poltergeist, 3 Daydreams, Dreamer and Chompy. Unless I'm forgetting something.

Iron painter kind of messes with my time to paint minis for the tournament, but if I've got more time to paint neverborn I'm not sure what I would paint. Maybe Primordial Magic and Barbaros. I hope next round will give me an idea to paint something Neverborny. This time it's not.

Hmm not leaving as much as I want to play several factions :D I always thought Neverborn were really cool (and I have a ton of ressers, a bunch of outcasts and guild lying around at home wanting attention too). I do think I might need some vacation from Arcanists though.

I didn't play in the last lincon tournament so I can't really recommend it since it will be my first, but I have a few friends coming so it should be fun! :) I've been to lincon once, seven years ago and had a pretty good time playing board games and stuff. 

Playing other stuff is great, it gives one heaps of experiences from "the other side of the board", and after a while one often gets home sick and returns to the safe part of the woods so to say :)


I will look into the schedule, and see if I can go or not. Tournaments is always fun!


Between Pandora and Lilith you can do all strats very well. Dreamer is scary good, but then you will need to paint a lot of models. Prim Magic (so good!), Teddy, and Weaver should be priories. Tots too, they are insanely solid! Doppelganger is always useful. You might want to get a Bad Juju too :P Neverborn are a strange bunch, but they will score VPs, deny, and outrun everyone.

Hopefully you will see Stake a Claim, Pandora is (according to me) the best master in the game for it!

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Pandora can deny Stake a Claim with such ease. The core is Pandy with FGF, Box, and Fugue State together, Puke Snake and a Doppelganger. You then have three potential Nullify spells since Doppelganger can copy it from Prim Magic. They can snipe down any runner from 10". The Monotony Aura will bring a lot of headache too for the opponent.


For putting out markers I run any combo of Insidious Madness, Siliurds, Waldegesits (brought up field with Hexed Among You). Often there will be 2-3 Swampfiends. Then I usually bring Juju with Eternal for keeping things honest.


On top of all this, Incite always helps too!

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My favorite set up with Pandora is:

Candy- Fears Given Form, Useless Duplications

Primordial Magic


Copellius-On Dreaming WIngs

2 Insidious Madness



Pandora runs with Voices, Fugue State and Cry for Me.

This way you have beckoner to pull people away, Candy and Pandora to incite/no one likes me/paralyze. Copellius can cause some major damage and produce ridiculous horror duels. Insidious Madness go where ever they want, and Doppleganger can copy pretty much any model's ability to good use.

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