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AdeptiCon Update


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Howdy folks. Just a few heads up.

1) AdeptiCon Preregistration ends Monday.

2) I am thrilled to say we have sold out the 36 tables that were allocated to me for the Masters tourney. So, AdeptiCon has moved all things Wyrd to a larger hall. The downside is we will be sharing with two companies (Bolt Action and I forget the other). The upside is that we have room for more tables and wider isles between the rows. So, we have added another 4 tables to the Masters Event which brings us to 80 participants possible.  This is the largest Malifaux event ever. So, thanks to everyone making that happen. The tables may not show yet. But, if you want to register, I am told there is a way to get on the waiting list. If you do that, you will be offered a slot when the tables do get added to the Webcart. Also, we have space to add a few more tables if necessary. But, preregistration numbers will determine if that is necessary. If you register for an event and it is sold out, please add yourself to the wait list. I am willing to add as many tables as are neccessary. Plus, this event is a qualifier for the 1st annual Malifaux North American National Championship to be held at NOVA 2015. That's right....as well as a very nice prize package, the winner will get free entry to the National Championship held at NOVA 2015.
 3) On a more pressing matter, More tables means more terrain needed. So, if anyone is attending and has terrain they would like to loan to us for the Masters tourney on Saturday, please email me at adepticonsean@gmail.com and let me know how many tables you have. I will be eternally grateful.

4) Team Tourney is doing nicely at 21 registered teams! There are still tickets available for this event. It is a two man team event. Only one team member needs to buy a ticket.

5) for those who are unable to find a team mate for the Team Tourney, why not try Bragfaux? This is a fun event where the prize is braggin rights that you beat everyone at some of the Crossroads Scenarios. This event is happening alongside the Team Tourney Friday.

6) Story Encounter has a very respectible 40 players at this point. We still have tickets left. So, if you want something to do before heading out Sunday, now is the time to register.

7) Achievement League will have some stiff competition this year with 56 Players playing as many games as they can in an attempt to achieve league points. If you are registered for other Malifaux events and haven't registered for the Achievement League, why not? All games played over the convention (even demo games and pick up games) count towards the achievement list.

8) Yes....we have cake again! Teams of three this year. No prizes other than best cake. So, find two buddies (I suggest finding one who can bake or knows someone who can) and get ready for the funnest convention opening party around. Only one team member needs to purchase a ticket.

9) Want to demo some of Wyrd's many awesome games? Come by the hall and talk to the judges table. We will hook you up.

10) Costume Contest qualifiers every day. So, bring 4 costumes and wear a different one every day.

11) Prizes from fantastic companies like Wyrd Miniatures, Secret Weapon, Games Plus (in Mt Prospect), Chicagoland Games (in Chicago, IL), NOVA Malifaux North American Championship, Things Undone, Monkey Sword Games, AdeptiCon and it's vendors and more!

12) Play on some of the coolest tables made by our volunteers as well as donated by fantastic companies like Sarrissa, TriCity Lasers and Knuckleduster Miniatures.

13) We will be streaming the top table for Masters Event after the convention and maybe the others if I can make it happen.


Less than a month to go. Are you ready?!?!?!?!

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