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Gaining Grounds and Out of Production Models


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I'm currently looking to get into more of the Malifaux tournament scene this year, which I'm very excited about.  However, going over the Gaining Grounds guidance, it states that proxy models are not permitted unless "no model is yet released."  I think a desire to have Wyrd models at tournaments where Wyrd is involved is entirely reasonable, but this seems to raise a problem in connection with currently unavailable metal models that have not yet been released in plastic form. 


One example: the Witchling Handler.  A metal model that is difficult to find, yet certainly has had a model previously released.  Thus, under the Gaining Grounds rules as written, I would be unable to field a look-alike proxy even if I made a good-faith effort to track down a copy of the Wyrd metal model.  Consequently, I'd be faced with being unable to bring such a unit as an option to an official tournament.


Has this issue been addressed at all, or is it just tough luck to newcomers to a faction who didn't grab up the metal models when they were available?

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It depends on the tournament/TO. Only Wyrd official events have to go by gaining grounds so if you're in the UK there's not been one yet and the first will be the GT in November. Other events are at TO's discretion, generally in the UK you're ok if you send the pics of what you want to use to the TO in advance and the models bears a resemblance to what you're using it for.


The other option is the multi part TTB sprues, as they're Wyrd products, converting up a Witchling Handler should be fine

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In the UK we do tend to encourage some 'customisation' of crews, as long as players have the 'correct' models with them in case of confusion. Marifaux's amazing Doctor Who as Levi crew is a great example (even getting plaudits from Eric J). I love my puppet Lady J crew.


Generally proxies are OK, especially for those difficult to get models, as long they are in theme & representative.


The only GG rule I insist on is existing models masquerading as other models as this leads to confusion.

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