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tournament game lenght


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How long time is the normal time for

a tournament game?

My local place decided on 1 hour 40 min with 10 min preparation before the game. I been playing and set a timer on myself this week and i had 4 games. Fastest time i got was 2h 20m and then we didnt try to hurry either just play normal pace, longest game tok 3 hours.

I know that they want to cramp so many game as they can and make fast games but from my old tournament record i most have end my games at turn 4 and once in turn 3. And nothing is more frustrating to get a loss because my opponent claimed bodyguard so he will claim early fast score meanwhile i not had the time to setup my plant, distract, breakthrough or other schemes that play for a full lenght game.

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I find that in a tournement setting people do play faster. Some of it will depend on the crew you play, as well as how well you know your models.

There will be times you don't get to turn 5. There may be times you don't get to turn 4.

Personally, most of my casual games at the club take about 2 hours. Tighter gaming at a tournement can get that down to under 1 1/2 hours a lot of the time.


If you know you are probably only getting to turn 4, then you should play accordingly. You ought to be able to see by turn 2 how fast tthe game is going, and where you are going to get to.


And to Echo Ausplosions, Schemes like Distract can get you 3 points by turn 4. Breakthrough could get you 3 points even if you ended on turn 2. Bodyguard can not score 3 points until turn 5 at the eairlest.


The actual game length is up to the organiser, the guidelines in gainign ground give a good indication. If you are running an event and you know you have several slower players, then you might want to go for longer games, but you'll have to accept that there will be fewer, which can make tie breakers matter much much more.

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