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“Extra” soulstones


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I’ve never played a miniatures game before so I’m studying everything I can get my hands on before I start my first game of Malifaux.  After reading the rule book a couple of times and tons of posts here on the forum I still have one basic question on getting started.  Thanks in advance for any clarification you can provide.


We decide to play a 30ss game.  I have figures in my crew that total up to exactly 30, but my opponent only gets to 27.  Do those 3 extra soulstones go into her cache to use during the game, or are they lost?


Seems basic I know but I’m totally stumped, and I’ve ordered two crews for my wife and I to play where I think this is going to be the case.  Thanks again for the help.


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As noted above, any unspent Soul Stones (SS) are added to your cache, up to a maximum of 7, to use during the game for your Master and Henchmen.

Another point of confusion for newer players is the "cache" on the master/henchman cards. You do NOT pay for your crew's leader, ever, no matter if it's led by a Master or if it's led by a henchman. You get your leader for free. You only get the "cache" for the leader of your crew, no one else. So if your leader has a Cache of 3, and you hire two Henchman who have a cache of 2 each, you only get to use the Leader's cache of 3 when calculating starting Soul Stones (and then add in unspent stones from crew selection up to the 7 max). The Henchman cache is there in case they are leading the crew (which is typically done at lower point games) at which time you'd use their cache + unspent stones for your starting total.

And, even though it wasn't asked, another common question I see is "Can I hire more than one Henchman?" The answer is yes. In a basic 50SS game you hire your Leader (for free), up to one totem if you want(unless said totem has a rule stating multiples can be hired as a few do), then can hire as many henchman, enforcers, minions, peons as you like, only restricted by how rare they are (Rare 1, Rare 2, etc).

I hope that answers your question, and didn't cause any further confusion. :D

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All this is SUPER helpful, thank you.  I can't wait to start playing. Almost done with my terrain and then will start assembling and painting figures.  No doubt then a lot more questions will come up, lol.


I'm planning to post photos of my terrain when it's finished to get some feedback on playability.  Hopefully will have that ready by this weekend, and would love your feedback.


What a helpful bunch of folks.. thank you again.

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