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Ressers vs levy


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From pretty limited experience against leveticus, he can eat incorporeal things for breakfast and still summon off of them, since he's got highly damaging, short-ranged spells and the passive damage abilities aren't sh/ml. Summoning decent pieces and not heavily concentrating power has been my best experience against him, along with not counting on incorporeal for anything. Can't comment on jack.

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Levy and Jack Daw are about opposite. Levy is a slow, steady killer, while Jack Daw is fast and fragile with a lot of control and movement tricks.


The most important thing is not to let them intimidate you. Learn how Levy works (mostly his Waif cycle) and he's a lot less scary. Same with Jack Daw.


Here are some videos I did describing how each of them works, which may help:


Hateful Darkblack's Intro to Leveticus

Hateful Darkblack's Intro to Jack Daw


Against Leveticus, Fast melee models will help with hunting down and destroying Waifs - maybe Shikome? Hunting Waifs helps because they die for good and limit Leveticus' movement options, but the Waifs like to hide. The Hanged are also really nice against any big self-healing robots that Levy might hire (Mech Rider, Ryder, Lazarus, etc.) Rotten Belles are great for pulling Waifs out of position and generally make stuff better.


Against Jack Daw, Condition-removal helps a little, especially if Jack hires Hanged. Belles can help your friendly models get out of the tarpits that Jack Daw's Crew often makes. High Ml/Sh models will help against his Crew, which mostly have high Df but low Wd. Seishin may help against  :aura effects, which Jack Daw likes to do. Datsue Ba might help with doing a bunch of damage and summoning too. Used ranged attacks against Lady Ligeia.


You theoretically won't know which one you'll be facing until the game starts, but you can summon things that work better. But Kirai is really powerful and catches enemies by surprise.


Good luck! Let us know how it went!

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