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Looking for a game


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Hello all.


Looking to play a game with any one who would be able to travel to the Bridgwater. (Somerset/UK)

I can't wait to enjoy playing Malifaux and learning the rules by playing the game. :)


Thank you.


Edit: Almost forgot to ask something. What is a Henchman? Is it a payed representative or something like that. No where does it explain it. Sorry if the question is silly.

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A Henchman is a voluntary Wyrd promoter. They receive special perks for promoting Wyrd products in local clubs and shops and for demoing Wyrd games. I'm not sure what exact kinds of perks they get, it's all very mysterious (like the Freemasons for nerds :) ). I can't help you out with a game in Somerset, but if for some reason you ever find yourself up in London, drop by the Cross Gaming Club forum (http://www.crossgamingclub.com/forum/index.php) and book a game and I'll play you. 

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Not really able to travel far and not sure if I like the idea of booking a game.


Thanks anyway.


Trying to get players that I know interested in to Malifaux already, in the local community that play games with me already. Have got some interest already from two players. One is waiting for his stuff to come as he had to send it back as two models were missing. The other is waiting for finances to free up a little.


I tend to be one of the few that tries to check out and promote other games. Not that many do listen to me. But hey, yippeee, have got some, being friends interested in to it.

And one odd person who likes it, but is put of by the models being, *ahem* sexualised. We think he is a bit, erm, sheltered. Lol

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Well, good luck with it. If you have the money, buy two crew boxes and two fate decks and get demoing! People rarely say no to a freeby demo! Booking games is something I've had to get used to since I moved to London, it seems these city folks don't like ad-libing it! I felt a bit weird to begin with. like I'd joined some weird fetish club or something! I don't think Malifaux is too sexualised, you've got a few models like Nekima, the viktorias boxed set and the female Guild Guard but on the whole it's not too bad. 

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He collects GW stuff. Naked deamons! Lol.

Yep, sheltered in GW he is.

I really like the guild guard female. Is in no way revealing or the likes. Nothing is really with malifaux.

Got Lucius and his box set on the way at the moment. Waiting for it to be dispatched. Finding it hard to find fate decks though sadly.

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Well if you are willing to get to Bristol then Excelsior Games (check out FB) has some Malifaux going on, there are also a number of tournaments happening in Cardiff/Bristol  - Here be Dragons and Gertfaux if you would like to play some games and get to know the local players.


I used to live there (now Oxford-based sadly) and keep in touch with the Bristol lot.

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