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Hello from me


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Greetings all! I have been signed up to the forum for a few years but without really using it... until now! Work becoming more quiet means I have plenty of time to use up perusing the internet, checking out people's minis, learning tactics etc etc.


About me? Well, seeing as you're so curious, I'll tell you. I'm 32, been playing toys for 20 years, and like many started with Warhammer, before adding 40k, Necromunda, Blood Bowl and Mordheim to the mix (and a dash of WHFRP). Yeah, I was a real GW fan boy! Three or four years ago I was introduced to Malifaux.. 'WOW, lush minis!' I thought, but also 'Hmm, not sure about this non-dice, non-GW thing... scary!'. I purhcased the model that appealed to me most, initially just to paint, but with a view to expanding into gaming if I felt like it. This was the Gremlin Taxidermist (I still really love that mini, it's awesome!), quickly followed by Hog Whisperer, the Som'er Teeth box set and a Warpig. And piglets. And Slop Haulers. Yep, the addiction took over!


A few years down the line (via a foray into Infinity, which I struggled to get my head around... and still do with the new ed.) and I am a Maliholic. Or  Malifaholic. Or whatever. Basically, I love the game! I started to get a bit fed up with the drubbings I recieved in 1st ed (especially Som'er vs Hamelin...), but M2E is just unbelievable fantastic! Hurray for Malifaux!


I currently run:


-Lucas Mccabe

-Som'er Teeth




-Von Schill



At least half of my crews are almost fully painted. I love playing, and love playing with fully painted minis even more. I am utterly baffled by people who buy tons of crews but don't paint them at all. Obviously it's up to them but I feel they're missing out!


When not painting or playing with toys my other main hobby is drawing cartoons (yep, I've never grown up). Should you be so inclined, you can check them out by checking out the links in my signature (I hope!) or googling 'Wobbly Goggy' and 'Wobbly Bloggy'.


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Watch out for Mono-build Lynch crews... So dull.


I agree about your first ed problems, the Hamelin vs Som'er matches must have been very tough, thankfully 2nd Ed has evened the game up somewhat. 


I like that almost half of your crews are almost fully painted. I don't know how to work out the maths for that percentage :D


Welcome to Malifaux, and enjoy Gertfaux!

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