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Painting a mirror


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Dear fellow brush wizards


For the mini I'm currently working on I plan to have a mirror on the base. However, I have not painted a mirror before and would like to draw from your expertise. I currently see 2-3 options:

1) darker grey (or color of choice) on one side and lighter on the other like when painting an orb but then instead of the highlight dots a whiteish light streak across the surface.

2) Sky-earth non metallic metal (would have to do some testing first, don't have experience with that)

3) cutting the internal of the mirror from a CD or so and actually have a mirroring surface (guess that will look weird in the context of the mini, so I'd rather not do that)


Does anyone have tips, things to consider? If you have a great tutorial or reference work I'm very interested, too.



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If you use any sky-earth NMM techniques, it should look fine,.. unless the character is standing in front of it, or it is positioned in such a way as to not show the reflections it should, of the other things that are on the base/model.


Otherwise, (like for a Dreamer model perhaps), you could paint it up to look like a magic portal or some such,.. this would side-step the need for the reflective surface.


For best results, (if you need a reflective surface) I would say to use an actual piece of mirror, cut to size,.. if possible.

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If you use any sky-earth NMM techniques, it should look fine,.. unless the character is standing in front of it, or it is positioned in such a way as to not show the reflections it should...


you got a point there. The mini will be standing in front, so I can't avoid using a real mirror. Anything painted on will look odd from all but one angle.


This would look great, except that the thickness of the glass layer will be way off scale. Maybe use a chrome spray paint on the mirror object?


Mirror foil maybe? - I'll check the hardware store tomorrow and see whether that might be something. Maybe they also sell little mirror shards for decoration.

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Good call, Ferossa.  I happened to be in a craft place today (Michael's) and came across very small mirror pieces.  I think they were less thick than normal mirrors, maybe 1/4" or 6 mm at a guess based upon memory.  There were rounds, and square mirrors as small as 1/2".  If this is still too large, you could grind it down to size.  Not everyone has a glass grinder though.  Wierdly enough, I do have a wet grinder for glass in the garage.  I'm in a generous mood, so Jotun, if you think this won't be too thick, you can PM me your coordinates and exact dimensions of the mirror you need and I'll try grinding one down and sent it over.  I think it will be too thick to look right, though.

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Thank you for the kind offer, prof_bycid - I've also found small mirror pieces at the craft store and I agree they are indeed to thick to look right, sadly. Especially since you still have to add some sort of frame to it.


I went with mirror foil, for anyone interested in the result, you can find it in my painting thread:



Some pluses and minuses on mirror foil for anybody wanting to do the same:

The one has a PET covering over the chromium (?) sheet.


+ Easy to cut and work with simple tools

+ bendable, so may be suitable for uneven surfaces

+ lightweight (no tipping of the mini)


- easily (and I mean really really easily) scratched as the plastic takes virtually no pressure to leave a mark with anything harder than the PET.

- same goes for plastic cement. You go anywhere close with it and the surface is corroded.

- only sold in large sheets, so you spend 25 bucks (~16 £) but will only need a tiny part of it.

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