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Things to know about painting translucent crews


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Hi all,


I recently acquired the translucent Kirai crew from Black Friday, and while I'm not painting it immediately (got a few things ahead of it in my queue), I'd like to start collecting tips about painting translucents.


Right now I'm thinking about painting the majority of Kirai, but leaving part of her non-weapon holding arm, one of her legs, and the end of her hair translucent, sort of representing her being intermediate between the spirit world and the physical, which I think will be especially thematic once her 2e avatar becomes an option. For the spirits, I'm thinking about painting their clothing items, accessories (fan on Onryo), maybe the heart and guts on Lost Love. Otherwise, the spirits' "flesh" and hair will be left translucent.


I think brush-on primer will probably be better than trying to mask off parts, and I'm probably going to be really careful about handling the parts to be left translucent prior to sealing, to avoid getting body detritus on them, but if anyone has any other tips or suggestions about how to paint translucent crews and really retain the effect all the way to the sealant phase and beyond, it'd be greatly appreciated.


(Also I'm still at a loss as to whether to paint the Seishin or not, so if anyone has any suggestions on that, fire away).


Also feel free to discuss other translucent crews/models in here, such as Nightmare Tara, Dreamer, Whiskey Golem, Bete Noire, or any others I might be forgetting. Tips on how to retain the effects, suggestions on what parts to paint or what to leave unpainted, all is welcome.

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Silly putty. Cover the bits you want clear. Undercoat over the whole mini. Remove putty. Results.

That would work.  You could also use liquid masking agent.  It is a brush on Laytex mask.  You can paint it exactly where you want it.  My other suggestions I posted on the comments section of the Black Friday page.  To meak transulcent filler soak a piece of extra sprue in some liquid cement and scrape some of the melted plastic off the surface to use in gap filling.  To retain the translucence of the models soak or paint it with Future floor polish.  It is an old model hobby trick to make clear parts either clear again (after sanding and filing) or to protect clear parts from future damage.  Here is a good link.   http://www.swannysmodels.com/TheCompleteFuture.html  That should give you a good start.    Hope that helps.

Snitchy sends.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'd add to this regarding assembly of translucent crews, as I'm working with the Translucent Pink Dreamer crew and having good luck so far - but the thread isn't really assembly.

I could also add so far as washes and glazing - I'm not painting my figures per se, but I am making the details a bit more visible instead of a bunch of little pink blobs.

That is, if this is the right thread for that kind of stuff. There's already a "working with translucents" over in Miniature Matters.

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