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How many Specialist?


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I've personally never felt the need for more than one, and even he stays in the bag quite often even when I'm playing VS.


Don't get me wrong, the Specialist is really good especially against any crew that relies on corpse/scrap, but I just feel he's usually a bit too slow and he's fairly easy to just completely cripple by tying him up in melee.


A second trapper seems to be the most common choice if you're going for more than one of the special roles. Apart from the Trapper, I'd probably grab a second Librarian before I got a second Specialist in most cases. Though I find one is plenty enough for all Freikorps.

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I already own in pewter: Librarian and Trapper, and I've had Von Schill sitting in a box waiting to get opened. Just figured since I already have two of everything else I'd inquire about the Specialist as he's cost 8 so couldn't see the point of having two, personally, but was curious if others find a 2nd one useful or not. 

Thank you for the reply, btw. :)

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Nope, I'd never take a second one. There are too many other utility models in the Freikorps - you're much better off hiring a wider range of capabilities (Librarians, Strongarm, Trappers, Hannah) than spending lots of points in one role. The Freikorps synergy benefits more from variety than redundancy.


They are awful plodders, though. Of all the specialised roles, I'd drop the Specialist first unless I was expecting to get a lot of use from Move or Burn (against Neverborn, for example).

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I've played a Freikorps crew a few times now and I would probably agree with everything that's been said so far. The specialist is a great model but his use can be a bit situational and his 4' walk range means that if you had two you could probably find yourself outmaneuvered quickly. The Freikorps dynamic tends to thrive on a diversity of abilities and attacks (admittedly somewhat lacking in the casting department unless you take Hannah and librarians) and taking loads of the some model would stymie that. Perhaps for a couple more soulstones you could take Lazarus instead? He offers plenty of blast damage and a little more in the way of survivability.

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I've found the specialist really shines when hannah or Von Schill is rocking the 'I pay better' upgrade so that he can focus, move and shoot each turn; this mitigating the lack of mobility on his part.


But yeah I would drop him in favour of a librarian/trapper any day unless I heard opponent declare resurrectionists...if thats the case...then its on.

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