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The problem is that rulebook doesn't really tell the timing for "after reducing to 0 wounds" triggers/abilities. Rulebook pretty much tells us that consuming flame and reincarnation both happen before model is removed, but does not tell which of them should happen first.



You're right, they both have the same timing point. And when an Ability and Trigger happen at the same time, the Trigger happens first (general timing pg. 46).


So while I am fine with adding this to the FAQ, the answer can be derived from the rules.


That said, I freely admit that the timing of triggers, particularly in relation to killing/removing models could be a lot tighter and can lead to confusion. But am I going to make some blanket ruling on it and try to fix all of the issues at once?




This is because blanket rulings like that, after the printing of the rules, tend to have huge unintended consequences. I can almost guarantee you there isn't one catch all timing ruling I could give that could cover every situation adequately. If the rules were still in beta and this was an area I could work on making everything consistent at once, I would do it. But that's not where we are. Additionally, most players understand the rules intuitively, at least to some extent.


But as you find individual situations which are genuinely confusing, I am happy to address them. Now, this isn't an invitation to hunt and peck for every single rule that can be confused in regards to timing; simply a statement that if you actually come across rules in your real games which you can't resolve, bring them to my attention and I will gladly address them. Start a thread, but feel free to email me if you're worried I'll miss it.


However, I am not inclined to FAQ theory related questions that would never actually come up, either because no reasonable person would interpret the rules in such a way or because the in-game actions taken to produce those results are things nobody would ever do. (Not saying you do this in particular, but it is an issue which comes up). :)

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You're right, they both have the same timing point. And when an Ability and Trigger happen at the same time, the Trigger happens first (general timing pg. 46).

Thank you for this. :)


But as you find individual situations which are genuinely confusing, I am happy to address them. Now, this isn't an invitation to hunt and peck for every single rule that can be confused in regards to timing; simply a statement that if you actually come across rules in your real games which you can't resolve, bring them to my attention and I will gladly address them. Start a thread, but feel free to email me if you're worried I'll miss it.


However, I am not inclined to FAQ theory related questions that would never actually come up, either because no reasonable person would interpret the rules in such a way or because the in-game actions taken to produce those results are things nobody would ever do. (Not saying you do this in particular, but it is an issue which comes up). :)

I will post threads with specific questions then. I have a few in mind that have risen up in actual games.
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Technically, yes. But the sections in the rulebook quoted there are official.


Now, enough people ask that I'm fine with including it. But is there some ambiguity there which I'm missing?


Biggest problem I'm finding is general timing rules are a bit on the vague side and there too many different phrases that are trying to reference the same time which makes it seems like there is an order that doesn't really exist. 


For instance:

"Start of this models activation" vs "when this model activates" both seem to refer to resolving activation (pg 36) which only has the 1 time (meaning both happen at the same time so it is the controllers choice which to activate); but, just reading it also seems like "Start of this models activation" should be stronger than "when this model activates" since it specifies it is at the start and not just during model activation. 


Sonnia's Reincarnation I find has the same problem. Looking at page 32 I can see why it falls under "after damaging", but just reading the ability really makes it seems like it would come in an earlier phase with the phrase that it activates when the model is reduced to 0 wounds. 

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