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stitched together make all the things sad.

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So I took this list in turf war and it worded quite well. Or rather the stitched worked quite well

Neverborn Crew - 50 - Scrap

Collodi -- 4 Pool

+Breathe Life [1]

+Fated [1]

+Threads of Fate [1]

Marionette X 4 [12]

Brutal Effigy [4]

Stitched Together [6]

Stitched Together [6]

Stitched Together [6]

Vasilisa [9]

+A Friend To Talk To [2]

+Strum the Threads [1]

So with 10 models you are out activating most crews.

So use the brutal effigy pass off his sweet 0 action meander marionettes around use one of them to push Vasalisa nut leaving her with in 2" of Collodi and a stitched. meander 2 stitched around. That's 7 activations and now the fun begins.

Strum Vasalisa's threads for fast Walk Vasalisa 6" up grabbing an un activated stitched. Walk back. Thus time grab Collodi. Use her 0 to either walk the stitched to be in range or use the 0 for a gamble.

Now use the stitched strum his threads putting him at 5 wounds. Now this first gamble you want to succeed the duel. To the point that cheating high is super good. Failing this gamble and the enemy flipping moderate or severe puts a damper on your day. But once you win the duel you heal a wound thanks to brutal effigy. Now if you fail you won't be on 1 wound. (Sans severe) if not at 1 wound more gambling. If at one wound game of chance is fine. Activate Collodi. Strum his threads If your stitched is at 1 wound 0 action heal him. Then 1 action use my will. Now you have a :+fate to your attack. If you win continue gambling. If by this point no models are in range of gamble you can use Collodi to attack just fine. But other wise more gambling. Which again do to brutal let's them heal wounds. And if you fail and hit 1 wound for reactivate more gambling. Can also breathe life with Collodi to shuffle the other stitched and have them gamble things if need be.

So how many gambles is that.

1 from Vasalisa. 3 from the stitched 4 from Collodi and 2-3 more from the stitched (possibly) so that's 10 gambles does any one know of a model that will survive that?

So in this turf war game. I killed izamu yan lo and was working on the rest.

If you want to play it somewhat safer you could activate Collodi first and pass armor 1 to the stitched so if you fail the first gamble only a sever will set you at one. But it's all what your facing and or targeting. Low df models are the best choice. But if you have a decent hand go for other things ofc.

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I like to use the tactic like yours, but my tactic is a little different. 


First, I take Lucky Effigy (you must make it)  to use his Luck o' the Draw. So whenever Stitched Together flips a :ram in a duel, it may immediately heal 1 wound.

It means our stitched together can heal by Game of Chance and even your opponent's attack (It needs "duel"). So I like Lucky Effigy more than Brutal Effigy.

For example, if your opponent's model attacks 1 wound Stitched Together, it can survive even it is hit. (If the attack can't ignore hard to kill and you flip :ram .)

In addition, I think Brutal Effigy as range slow debuffer & sacrifical pawn for scheme.


Second, I don't like to give upgrades to Vasilisa. Her upgrades are good, but she is very fragile. If your opponent can hit her 'easily', She will be killed easily. 

And her Wp is 5 and her Wd is only 6. So I like to take vasilisa without upgrades or with a upgrade to survive for more SS or other model like Arcane Effigy. 

(Unless I need other upgrades for schemes. For Example, Vasilisa wtih 'A Friend to Talk to' + Coryphee + Shadow Effigy can be great combo for some schemes.) 

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Second, I don't like to give upgrades to Vasilisa. Her upgrades are good, but she is very fragile. If your opponent can hit her 'easily', She will be killed easily. 

And her Wp is 5 and her Wd is only 6.

Oh indeed she is fragile. Could easily just put strum on Collodi instead of his armor. But this is a turn 1 I kill your stuff so if you are targeting Vasalisa you are not targeting the stitched. And in my mind flipping a ram to heal is only 13 cards. Me winning the duel is extremely more likely. And I get to draw a card.

And as Collodi most times out activating and if you win turn one initiative and make them go first. If they play cautiously and you are out of range of things nothing is stopping you from doing what ever. I was thinking of taking a doppelganger just so I can win turn 2 or even 1 initiative. For the tactical advantages dropping one stitched and Collodi's armor upgrade.

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Oh indeed she is fragile. Could easily just put strum on Collodi instead of his armor. But this is a turn 1 I kill your stuff so if you are targeting Vasalisa you are not targeting the stitched. And in my mind flipping a ram to heal is only 13 cards. Me winning the duel is extremely more likely. And I get to draw a card.

And as Collodi most times out activating and if you win turn one initiative and make them go first. If they play cautiously and you are out of range of things nothing is stopping you from doing what ever. I was thinking of taking a doppelganger just so I can win turn 2 or even 1 initiative. For the tactical advantages dropping one stitched and Collodi's armor upgrade.


When I take Vasilisa without upgrade, I take more SS or other effigy to prepare for 'situations'. Collodi can give many AP to his minion, but his range is limited.

And many other factions can get more, long-ranged weapon easily than neverborn except Lucius. For example, Guild's Ortega Family / Guild Riflemen. 

If they want, they can attack out of our range. So I like to hold a line for VP with Denial & Counterattack with Collodi. (But I think it is just problem of experience)


Ram to heal is only 13 cards, right. But Lucky's heal can be used when you can't deal damage. I focused it. Because I like to hold a line for VP as I say.   

And If it can hit his target, Lucky Efficy 'can' deal damage like Stitched Together in melee (just can, but useful against low Df Model like Stitched Together).   


I think about Doppleganger, too. But I will take her with Lucius. Because I like to take Lucius with Vasilisa & some Stitched Togethers when I want to play aggressive. because he can take his gunners.   


This is my roster against TT today. My opponent took Lynch, so I kill Hungering Darkness twice(by Rising Sun) and a Illuminated. 

But in truth, it's strategy was Reconnoiter, so I won by keeping at least 2 Quarter and interrupting his actions for VP.  


Neverborn Crew - 50 - Scrap
Collodi -- 3 Pool
 +Breathe Life [1]
 +Fated [1]
 +Threads of Fate [1]
Marionette X 4 [12]
Arcane Effigy [4]
Lucky Effigy [4]
Stitched Together [6]
Stitched Together [6]
Stitched Together [6]
Vasilisa [9]
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Interesting..I use a different but similar strategy.

1. Use Colodi to give all puppets Focus.

2. Use Brutal to give support condition for every Puppet.

3. Vasilisa walks/picks up Stitched Together and bring it to either a scheme marker place or to negate the opposing players sceme runner.

4. Use Vasilisas (0) Action to get the stiched to either gamble you life (with Focus) or place a scheme marker.

If a scheme marker is placed I get a free 4" move with Vasilisa.

5.When I activate The Stiched I get Fast and either attack target with mass Gamble or use Focus to get of 1-2 focused attacks or place a scheme marker (with again a free Vasilisa move).


Used this way Vasilisa + Stiched can move around the board every turn, supporting where is needed. I am also a fan of using two henchmen, so I combine Vasilisa with the Widow Weaver for some additional move.


The downside about this is that you have to keep an eye on when you need Vasilisa and her "Strum the threads".

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