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Warseer disinterest


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I pretty much left WarSeer after the owners and mods threw outright hissy fits about Kickstarter.  For a while, they just removed Kickstarter threads - "Those companies should pay for advertising on WarSeer if they want to be discussed!" was the cry, but no response was given when everyone pointed out that GW and PP don't advertise on the site and get talked about nonetheless. 


Seriously, the entire management staff of WarSeer was just awkwardly (and embarrassingly, as I posted quite frequently back then) throwing fits about Kickstarter before finally "giving in" and putting a hidden-away sub-section for the discussion of it.  It was disgusting and very anti-community, IMO.




More on topic - if there's no interest in Malifaux on WarSeer, it's more a note of that community not being interested, so there's no need to expand.  There are plenty of other places to discuss this game :D

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  • 2 years later...

Hi all,

Sorry to necro this thread, but I was just surfing the net when I came across this post.

If you check out the WarSeer forums, you'll find there have been substantial overhauls. Wyrd now have a dedicated forum and we're very much open to manufacturers outside of GW.

I'm one of the new owners and as I've have an interest in Wyrd minatures for a while and my partner and I are getting into the game ourselves, well, you could say I have an interest in making sure those forums grow haha.

You'll find quite a few things have changed in the time you have been away. 

I plan to spend some time on these forums (just for the awesome name if nothing else!) so I hope to see you all around. I hope a few of you will give WarSeer a chance and any suggestions, well, we're all ears.



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So I went back to the Warseer to post a questioning thread about this Imperial Infantryman's Uplifting Primer (2003) I found on my bookshelf because I simply canNOT believe Amazon's pricetag, and I found out something that made me laugh out loud, threatening to wake up my fiancee -

I was apparently banned from there.

Spirits only know how many years ago THAT was; I haven't played 40k since 2007 and sold my armies circa 2008-2009. The only archival email I could find in my account was a warning - not a ban notice! - for a post in a Tyranid thread that no longer exists.  I would find it hilarious if I'm a banned unperson, not existing but for the ban notice.

I would also find it both hilarious and ironic if selling this little book at a ridiculously inflated price furthers my Malifaux or Warmahordes *eyeroll* collection. Kinda tells the whole story of my history with Warhammer 40,000 and Games Workshop.

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23 hours ago, blackcherry said:

Hi all,

Sorry to necro this thread, but I was just surfing the net when I came across this post.

If you check out the WarSeer forums, you'll find there have been substantial overhauls. Wyrd now have a dedicated forum and we're very much open to manufacturers outside of GW.

I'm one of the new owners and as I've have an interest in Wyrd minatures for a while and my partner and I are getting into the game ourselves, well, you could say I have an interest in making sure those forums grow haha.

You'll find quite a few things have changed in the time you have been away. 

I plan to spend some time on these forums (just for the awesome name if nothing else!) so I hope to see you all around. I hope a few of you will give WarSeer a chance and any suggestions, well, we're all ears.



Thanks for the heads up!  I'll head back and take a look at it.

I don't think I've checked out Warseer since my old Tyranid days.

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