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Shenlong's Totem Choices


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Shenlong has great synergy with the Peasants, no doubt.  But the generic totem for the 10 Thunders, Kamaitachi, looks solid for him as well.  Which do you figure runs best with him, and if it depends on the situation (strategy / scheme selections), when is each one more favorable?  How would you run either totem with him?

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Kamaitachi is nice for the heal and card draw but I prefer peasants.  The free interactions and buffing models is good.  Plus getting soulstones if the enemy kills them with an attack and then summoning them back.


Do you find a lot of opponents end up going after the Peasants to kill them at that point?  They don't seem that hard to kill, and getting two of them killed in a turn doesn't seem that difficult when Shenlong can't really control summoning them back - it just happens at the beginning of the next turn if there's still one in play and he decides to go that route.

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I got my first game in with Shenlong last night, using the Peasants to try them out.  They did me pretty well - I was playing with a few higher-cost models, so having two activations I could swing in when I wanted to control the flow of the game helped.  Other than that, they did very little.  They dropped a Scheme Marker that I could have tagged for Protect Territory, but I already had that Scheme wrapped up elsewhere on the board.  I did get a free soulstone out of one of them, and I did have them drop a couple of free conditions on Sensei Yu and Shenlong, so that was helpful.  Having two activations I could get into the turn was definitely the most useful part of having them on the board, though.


I'll have to try out Kamaitachi next time around to see how he compares.

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The synergy between Peasants, Katanaka Snipers, Shenlong, and Sensei Yu is sickening.


Start the game with one peasant and use Shenlongs pre-turn action to make the 2nd. Peasants take the first activations using provide for the temple to give focus to the Katanakas. When the enemy is in range, the Katanaks fire, focus as a zero, and then fire again. Each shot is focused and gains +1sh thanks to Sensei Yu. In the following turns the rest of the crew will race forward, while the Katanakas use one action to move up and the 2nd to shoot, with the peasants handing them free focus and moving. This gives Shenlongs crew excellent covering fire, and a second wave of models to toss into any melee that is going on once they get there,


I killed a Teddy on the first turn of the last game I played with Shenlong with just the snipers alone using this combo.

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The synergy between Peasants, Katanaka Snipers, Shenlong, and Sensei Yu is sickening.


Start the game with one peasant and use Shenlongs pre-turn action to make the 2nd. Peasants take the first activations using provide for the temple to give focus to the Katanakas. When the enemy is in range, the Katanaks fire, focus as a zero, and then fire again. Each shot is focused and gains +1sh thanks to Sensei Yu. In the following turns the rest of the crew will race forward, while the Katanakas use one action to move up and the 2nd to shoot, with the peasants handing them free focus and moving. This gives Shenlongs crew excellent covering fire, and a second wave of models to toss into any melee that is going on once they get there,


I killed a Teddy on the first turn of the last game I played with Shenlong with just the snipers alone using this combo.


That is awesome.  I'm going to have to paint up my Katanaka proxy and get him on the table.  Shenlong sounds more and more fun the more I see what he can do.

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Why you gotta be mean like that?  I come in here looking for good advice and get greeted by some folks who will give it to me, and then the COMPANY SPONSOR comes in and starts treating me like this?  It shows a distinct lack of respect for the community.


They give you a job and all the sudden you think you can just move away and act all high and mighty!





<sniff>  I miss you Aaron.  Come back to us, Aaron!  <sniff, sniff>

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