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What to do - mangled/missing Torakage arm in The Thunder Crew Box


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So, I got my Thunder (Misaki) crew set a couple of weeks ago.  I was so thrilled to see the quality of the plastic.


Most of my kit went together like a dream, once I found the color coded picture grouping the parts by model.  The exception, however, was the Torakage.  The one with the ball and chain type weapon had the ball snapped off 5 or 6 links up the chain, which I was able to repair.  Unfortunately, when I attempted to clip out the left arm of the kama wielding Torakage (the one in the middle of the trio on the back of the box), it was rendered completely useless.  I take responsibility for that - I'm new to this, stuff happens.


So, I used the Contact Wyrd functionality, and all they could offer me was a "if something strange happens and we happen to have this part, we'll put you on the will-call list".


So, this game, which I purchased custom bases for all my minis so far (and already bought Mr Graves, the Armor, and Yamaziko) and been practicing trial paint schemes and working on learning to paint yellow on some old space marines - one of the core miniatures I own is missing an arm, and the only replacement option is to purchase another entire crew box?  I don't have anyone who really wants Misaki etc and doesn't also want the Torakage, so I'm stuck.


I'm just posting this in case some one else has another solution.  My attempts to resolve the issue with Wyrd were quickly exhuasted and left me quite discouraged.

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How is it damaged? If it is just the weapon, maybe you could swap in something different? Ask around in your gaming group - someone is very likely to have a spare weapon that would work. A spear or a polearm of some sort is easy to build if it comes to that.


If it was just the weapon, it would be fine.  Unfortunately, the arm itself broke while I was cutting.  Its mangled beyond salvaging - I tried already, and it made matters worse.


For all intents and purposes, I'm effectively missing the part in question - I'm just stating for background that I destroyed it.


So, seems like I'm stuck with a one armed Torakage?

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Unless you can find an appropriate replacement, yes.


It's the risk you run with plastic models - especially ones that aren't multi-pose.  It's very difficult to get a replacement part from a sprue - a small downside from resin or metal, where you may be able to cast enough of the separate bits to have spares sitting around the warehouse.


You might be able to locate a spare arm bit from some company that makes Asian-styled plastics or metals - depends on exactly how the arm looks and where the break and such is.

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I would ask around your gaming group - someone is likely to have something suitable for a replacement arm. Another option is to ask your local Henchman if you have one - he is likely an experienced modeler and might be able to salvage the arm after all.

Or you could do a small nub on the shoulder and make him one-armed. There's plenty of one-armed wuxia warriors, after all.

Finally, it's a bit of a cold comfort, but you are somewhat unlikely to often use three Torakage in a game once you have a bigger collection of minis. Two is actually plenty. But of course this won't help you if you are just beginning.

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