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Dreamer in Reckoning

Insidiously Mad

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Hey guys, I played in my first tournament last weekend. Pretty happy with how it went, came in 3rd (of 10). The final game, which I lost, was reckoning. I scored max points on schemes but still lost due to my inability to build a reckoning crew with my current models.

So far I have: Teddy, 2 Stiched, 2 Insidious, coppelius, widow weaver, lelu, lilitu, alps, daydreams.

After gencon order arrives I will have: 2nd Teddy, Graves, Tannen, Doppelganger.

So after that I am pretty confident in my ability to build a list to any strategy/scheme except reckoning, where I could potentially still use some sturdier models.


What models do any dreamer players run for Reckoning? Hooded Rider and Nekima seem could but have no real synergy with dreamer. Illuminated are pretty solid and dreamer can still buff them cause they are minions. Just trying to find out what other people use for Reckoning.

Focusing this on Dreamer as leader, since many tournaments are set master and I don't plan on getting a 2nd neverborn master that soon.

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I'm sure he can answer with specifics, but Godlyness said he goes Chompy Dreamer, Teddy, Nekima, and a couple other heavy hitters ( I think 5 models total, and I want to say a Mature Neph and Killjoy, but could be mistaken ) for his Reckoning Dreamer crew.

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For Reckoning, I play Chompy Dreamer every time.  My typical list looks like this:

And either:
Stitched Together
Stitched Together
Mature Nephilim
Dreamer can heal or summon an Alp for blood gift, or heal the Stitched if needed....I typically go that route if it looks like I will be too short on activations, or if I observe a crew vulnerable to Gamble.  Sometimes I just like a Stitched and Lazarus to hang out together and Gamble.
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Some people like summoning dreamer. But dislike low wound models that give up free points. But if you can heal them and hide them or eliminate the threat it's not horrible. But hooded rider with retribution's eye is not bad at all especially later turns. And turning him into a taxi turn 2-5 you can complete schemes.

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I am in the process of building my Hooded Rider...haven't tried him out yet.  My concern with the Rider is that on paper, he seems vulnerable for the first two turns, creating a bit of a hole in an already small or elite list.


Lazarus provides some nice options: a good number of wounds, armor, self healing, ranged attacks, and ability to gamble off a Stitched if one is around.

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If you are playing summoning dreamer in reckoning the hooded rider can slot right in because you are basically hiding out for the first two turns anyway. If you are playing chompy dreamed then yeah he is not great on turn 1-2 for an aggressive game plan. 

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I am in the process of building my Hooded Rider...haven't tried him out yet.  My concern with the Rider is that on paper, he seems vulnerable for the first two turns, creating a bit of a hole in an already small or elite list.


Lazarus provides some nice options: a good number of wounds, armor, self healing, ranged attacks, and ability to gamble off a Stitched if one is around.

Lazarus will live till the end. Will he kill much well that's highly terrain dependant and flips. But if something ignores armor he will be a sad sad little robot.

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