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Mythos - HP Lovecraft

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  • 3 weeks later...

Subbed to your channel. I don't do Twitter or Facebook so be sure to keep us updated on youtube or this thread.


How far along are you?  Rules, Miniatures, Sculptor lined up? More Concept Art?


Are you doing a Kickstarter Campaign, etc, etc.


Even if you just did rules, I'd be cool with that because I have a shitload of Cthulu Miniatures already. :)

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Yep, we will keep all channels updated - youtube is going to have a lot of stuff coming to it.


We are currently in the early stages and trying to build up a base to work from. We are a group of 6 that are doing this - we have art, sculptors and a pretty solid game system in the bag atm. Alot of the stuff is definately WIP and we will be releasing teaser stuff like the above.


Currently alpha testing a lot of stuff at the moment and will be updating these channels on a regular basis.


Yes, we will be going to kickstarter once we are happy with everything we can offer :)

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No offense but based on the two pieces of art, the horror aspect of it seems a bit more "in your face" than how it's usually portrayed in the cthulhu mythos. While the mythos definitely does have horrifying monsters, they (and the horror aspects in general) are not usually of the "jumping out from behind the bush" or "the walls are bleeding" type of horror, which is the vibe I get from these two pieces of art.

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How do you see the Cthulhu mythos??


Sure, HP himself kept it......... "clean" to an extent, but once you add in other authors, it certainly does become more "in your face" horror. Even his (HP's) own works dipped a toe into "visceral horror" with stuff like the Dunwitch Horror.

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No problem - no offense taken. I know exactly where you are coming from. You're right HP's original work does not lend itself to the in your face type of horror and I think that's part of the whole appeal of his writing. The unknown entity, the unnameable horror and the beast which has no description. We are working really hard to incorporate all of those elements into our game system but I think that  we also working on having that gaming balance as well which will make the game fun and exciting to play. We have some mechanisms that we are currently alpha testing which we hope will address this. 


All of us working on this project are inspired by his writing and that's the main area that we are concentrating on but we are also inspired by the whole genre that his initial writings have created - the time period, the dress, the characters and also the "monsters". Believe me in this game your very very lucky if you remain sane!!

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...

Hi everyone!!

Its been a while since we posted here but that doesn't mean that we haven't been busy with all things "Mythos" since our last post.

The team have all been working hard on every facet of our game. Alpha playtesting of the games core mechanics is now happening on a weekly basis.

We are also working with a number of artists to bring our game to life and really showcase what we are striving to achieve with the overall feel of our game.

Importantly we are also working extremely hard on the background of not only the game setting but also on all of the characters that you will find in the game.

We wanted today to be a bit of a bumper update for you, so without further ado, here's some of the fruits of our work over the last couple of months. There is a lot more to come and some really exciting news just around the corner.

We would love to have your comments and feedback on what we have put together.

First of all, we have a brand new and shiny website, this can be found at www.paranoid-miniatures.com.

Also there's a new short teaser on first faction to be released. Here it is:

Also here's some of our artwork and fluff that hopefully you like - please let us know what you think?






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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Everyone!,

Recently we've been showcasing artwork for our "Priory" faction so we thought that we would show some concept art from one of our other factions - more details on these coming soon....

Please let us know what you think.

With regards to sculpts - more updates coming very soon in this area :) We are currently getting all of our Faction artwork sorted out but we are working on something very tasty.

From all at Paranoid Miniatures


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TJUK, many thanks for the interest you have shown. We've put together some answers to some questions we've recently been asked on the project.

1. Estimated time of release? or is that a little further down the line?

1. We are looking to go to Kickstarter sometime 2016 but with various parts of the game already 6 months into development we are paving the way to having a well tested and robust gaming system along with a rich background and some great models by that time. It might sound silly but we have all been gamers for years and we like every other hobbyist have always thought we could have done it a little bit better. I guess its make or break time to find out if we were right or not. That being said we wanted to start raising awareness and interest. We wanted people to not have to blindly back a game where only pictures/renders have been seen on kickstarter itself, with only the images of the models to help you chose and very little feel or fluff of the model's/faction's backgrounds and motivations available. So with that in mind we are producing a model to be released at and post Salute this year, essentially it will be a special edition early release. The model is not from any faction but will be for use in a scenario designed around it and will give you an in hand model showing the quality of what is yet to come. In the meantime we will continue releasing videos and literature to help people build an idea of which faction would suit them best. Other models will be shown as renders as we get closer to Kickstarter but mass production will only be carried out post Kickstarter.

2. Is this a straight up adaptation of Lovecraft, or more of an "inspired by" with original deities and monsters?

2. If you are anything like us you find the horrors of the legend that was H.P. Lovecraft very appealing. There has been so much built from where he started but his works still feel particularly special. Many of the stories content post his 1923 works are tied up in complicated copyright or things that were originally just names have been given form and purpose in the Lovecraftian world by companies who have released their own literature or games. Due to this we have decided to dedicate this game to the spirit of H.P. Lovecraft and instead of using too much of the fixed forms that have been developed we are inspired to try and produce something that has elements of originality both in how the games will be played and the backgrounds of the factions that inhabit it.

3. Crowd funding?

3. It will be Kickstarter as we feel this is the best method all round and something we are all accustomed to buying from ourselves.

4. Anything you would like to reveal about the rules right now?

4. Ah the rules, have to be honest and say "that would be telling". We as a group have played many gaming systems over the years, there are elements in the gaming system we have designed that we haven't come across before. It will blend many tried and tested systems with new ones that should add not only a depth to the game not seen before but make you form new strategies and tactics during the game as well as before it. Once we are happy with everything and we can no longer poke holes in the rules we will then select a number of people for the second testing phase along with a non disclosure agreement to make every attempt to break them and incorporate lessons learned from their experiences. Most importantly though it will have a comprehensive index!

5. Number of miniatures per side? Number of factions? Is it like investigators vs. monsters? Or evil cult vs. evil cult? Or some factions that are good and some that are bad? The Priory group you teased for example seem to be set up as good guys, but the artwork you released looks like a rather nasty piece of work.

5. As with any skirmish game there will be the option to build larger forces but as I have said before we are all gamers and there is nothing worse than super expensive models or units where you feel you have paid over the value for what you received. In addition we are making every effort to keep everything a fairly level playing field while making each faction dynamic and different from the others. We are also making great efforts so your never really out of the game. We want you to never have a moment where a single thing happens at the start or the middle of your game where you just quit as theres no coming back from it (how bad is your dice rolling?). We have even penciled in some testers who are consistently the unluckiest gamers we know. We feel a five model starter box is a great start point without costing the world and if your happy playing with just that there will be enough there to keep the game interesting and give you a nice set of models when resting on the shelf at home between defending humanity from the many evils of the world or trying to murder/death/kill/eat everyone else in the game. So yes there will be a few good guys and some particularly nasty pieces of work too. Of course there is always room for expansion as well and if successful we have any number of ideas to expand and introduce new models to the range.

I hope we have covered the questions you have posed and we really appreciate the time you took to ask. Lets just say its people like yourself who we hope will find our game entertaining, good value and something that keeps the spirit of H.P. Lovecraft's amazing imagination alive.


'I am disillusioned enough to know that no man's opinion on any subject is worth a damn unless backed up with enough genuine information to make him really know what he's talking about.'

                                                                                                                                                                            H.P. Lovecraft


From all at Paranoid Miniatures

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Everyone,

Well we have recently posted up some of the initial artwork from our "Brotherhood" faction. Here's a couple of pictures of the finished artwork. You may well recognise the inspiration behind these two - enjoy!!!

As ever please let us know what you think about the artwork. As we progress through the project, your thoughts and comments will really help us fine tune what we are doing.

From all at Paranoid Miniatures



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  • 4 weeks later...

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