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Simultaneous ability resolution order



Hi all,

A situation arised in a game last night that I'm hoping someone wiser than me will be able to clarify.


Viktoria of Blood (with one wound remaining) who was already engaged with an ice gamin takes an MI attack against the gamin as her first AP of the turn. Scoring a hit she damaged the ice gamin enough to kill it. So the problem is this:


Viktoria of Blood had Into the Fray which allows her to heal after killing the first model during her activation.

The Ice gamin has Explosive Demise 2 which causes Viktoria 2 damage when the gamin is killed.


Which ability has precidence? Does the Gamin kill Viktoria before she can heal, or does she heal before being damaged again?


NB. We played it that she healed before damaging. She healed 3 wounds then took the 2 damge leaving her with 2 wounds. Luckily Cassandra then landed a Breath of Fire killing Viktoria of Blood and Viktoria of Ashes in the one shot. Fate had spoken. 

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Yeah is came up in the thread already linked by The Godlyness (but the next post, not the one the link takes you too.

It's in a call out box on page 46 of the rule book and goes as follows.

Trigger are first

-defenders triggers

-then attackers triggers

Then abilities next which happen in the opposite order to triggers

-attackers abilities

-defenders abilities

As the things discussed in this thread are abilities and not triggers generated from a certain attack they are resolved attacker first then defender so you played it right.

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