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Mr. Ood

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Hello all,


I am rather new to Malifaux(have played a few games back in 1.5 and have a couple crews) and was debating picking up a Hamelin crew as he seems like a fun(albeit challenging) Master


so the question is should I wait for the M2E Hamelin box and hope that the sculpt is cool and not full of fiddly bits or should I just suck it up and buy the old metal box set and the arsenal deck to get him sorted into M2E?

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the main thing holding me back is the possible M2E box contents actually


after seeing the Barbaros debacle I am hesitant to buy the metal box and then miss out on a possible 'good fit' miniature that may or may not be in the M2E box


not to mention the cost of it all, granted the game has a low buy in compared to others but if I add up the costs of Hamelin's box+rat catchers+obediant wretch+arsenal box it may be worthwhile pricewise to wait and pick up the M2E box which may contain more models and will at least contain the updated cards

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Hamelin's crew is pretty predictably structured.  The only new model he received was the Rat King, and that's just a pile of rats on a base (or a large rat in a tailcoat with a crown, cuddle gun, and shades, depending on who you ask).  You do have the added cost of needing the Arsenal deck, but the peripheral models (Rat Catchers, Obedient Wretch, etc.) are not likely to come out in the main box, so those would be separate purchases regardless.  Like Poko said, if you like the current models and you want to play the crew, now is as good a time as any.  You could be waiting a while, otherwise.

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Well, the Barbaros issue was born out if the fact that the model did not exist in 1.5, and I think the only fluff model of Hammlin that is new is the Rat Kings, and I'm not sure whether they will be in box, three-pack minion box, or available both ways. His other other models he tends to have in multiples so having all the varied sculpts in metal and plastic of the wretches, rat catchers,stolen, and rats might be cool. (Metals can be found pretty cheap right now to).

Ultimately though, I think the biggest reason to jump in now is that you can then play now, and if you wait for the plastics, the waitron will have is unknown.

Edit: Ninja'd by Hippo

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good points all in all..I think come pay day i will pick him up


off topic question to tag along since you mentioned the rat king


I know some miniature companies prohibit 'outsider' models during tournaments does anyone know if Wyrd has a similar policy?

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In "official" Wyrd tournaments you need to use Wyrd miniatures (although you can also use or convert from not only the Malifaux line, but also Puppet Wars, and I imagine the "pre-Malifaux Wyrd miniatures" like the witch on the broom), but other tournaments it's up to the TO. It would appear at this point most are being pretty lenient, especially for unreleased models like the Rat Kings and the like

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One point is that right now there's a higher than usual likelihood any given release may be just around the corner with Gencon a few weeks away. If new Hamelin's not released during Gencon, either as a early release or a nightmare edition, it's not likely to surface in many months... I think I'd wait to see the Gencon releases are before ordering...

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