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Pandora's Incite-push-trigger


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My group, myself included, have been having issues with the timing of effects. This one is very Pandora-specific, so I'm asking it here.

Pandora casts Incite; it succeeds, with a Tome, so she can announce her trigger, which would allow her to "After succeeding, immediately take this Action again." She also has the Ability Fading Memory, which states "When this model wins an opposed Wp duel," she can push 4".

The trigger suggests that immediately the first Incite action succeeds, she casts it again; after the completion of the second Incite action, she would then get to push, as per her ability, and then she would get to push again, from the success of the first Incite, now being resolved after the conclusion of the trigger.

 OR: the trigger only takes place after succeeding, whereas the ability happens when the duel is won, and 'when' comes before 'after,' so she casts, pushes, casts again, and pushes again.

OR: 'when' and 'after aren't relevant here, it's a matter of triggers before abilities.

It might matter (it did in our game) because different models will be in range of Pandora's Misery for the second Incite if it takes place after rather than before the push.

I think I've ended up over-thinking the whole scenario. Any help clarifying this, and especially help with clarifying it into something like a standardized set of procedures? When comes before After, Triggers before Abilities only if they're happening at exactly the same moment, worded the same way, otherwise they come when (is that the same as during? Or at the end of, but before 'After'?) the description says.

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She casts, pushes and then casts again (and pushes again)

She still has to complete all the parts of the first action (including the push) before another action can occur. The use of immediately in the sentence stops her from doing:

Cast, push, spend some ap, then cast incite and push again.

The incites must happen in unbroken series.

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She casts, pushes and then casts again (and pushes again)

She still has to complete all the parts of the first action (including the push) before another action can occur. The use of immediately in the sentence stops her from doing:

Cast, push, spend some ap, then cast incite and push again.

The incites must happen in unbroken series.



After succeeding happens after the effects of the action have taken place.  (see FAQ for more info)


Fading memory happens after you win the duel but before you technically apply the effects.


then you apply the effects of incite.


then the trigger happens. mind you the first action is not yet complete due to the Actions causing Actions Rules that can be found in the rule book.


then you incite again


if you win the duel you push


then you apply the effects


then this action resolves


then the first action finally resolves.

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