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Leviticus - expanding a crew


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Towards the end of v1.5 I bought a Levi crew off someone selling up and getting out the game. I'm now painting up the crew but figured I should check if there are any obvious buys I should pick up.

Models owned:


3 waifs

1 Rusty

4 SPAs

1 des engine

1 Ashes & Dust (and component parts)

1 killjoy

1 Lazarus

1 avatar Levi

1 Johan

1 Molly (no longer relevant but was in the box as I went through!)

1 necrotic machine (dunno if usable or not as haven't checked)

Other crews I own are all guild or neverborn (lady j, Sonnia, lucius, Zoraida, dreamer & collodi) so not much by way of undead and relatively few constructs (do dolls have any synergi with Levi?)

If I was trying to keep this relatively standalone, for, now are there any other highly recommended models?

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Vanessa, Joss, Mechanical Rider, Convict Gunslingers, Hodgepodge Effigy, or Howard Langston would all be excellent additions. Of course, if you went with the Mechanical Rider, you would also want to look at getting a box of Metal Gamin as well. 

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Ohh already have Ryle and a convict gunslinger (used to use him with Zoraida so forgot was an outcast!).


Ok so to check my understanding

Joss - Melee beatstick with a relic hammer

Mechanical Rider - Speed, hard to kill, summoning, ok combat ability

Howard Langston - speed, realatively survivable, reasonably fighty

Hodgepodge Effigy - from the look of it primarily for the soulstone recycle, plus cover is never a bad thing.

Vanessa - some deck management, but at start of her turn not sure how useful it is, give constructs extra actions and a heal (that seems quite costly)

Necropunks - Objective grabbers?


Also forgot to mention I've got a couple of Freikorps models.in form of strong arm, specialist and stuff which will proxy as trapper & regular grunts.  Not really any synergies with Levi though as far as I can tell.

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For Vanessa, the heal is nice, but not really necessary. Its her 0 action obey that is really great if you are running a Pariah of Iron Levi list (an extra action for Lazarus, Mechanical Rider, Ashes and Dust, Joss, etc. is just awesome). Add that to her incredible shooting action and she synergizes very well with Levi.


Joss is an amazing model all around in any list, but is very useful with Levi due to his ability Creative Salvage. Its not hard to kill stuff with Joss and getting those extra Scrap Markers can allow Rusty to summon an Abomination every turn without having to use up her 0 to drop one herself.


The Mechanical Rider is an amazing objective runner + summoner from turn 2 on. A Metal Gamin every turn is very useful as they are pretty sturdy on their own for a 4 Wd model and can help out your Abominations with tar-pitting models. Plus, the reactivate on turn 5 for any of your non-leader models is pretty good.


The Hodgepodge is good for exactly as you described: cover and SS generation. Levi excels at picking a model every turn and saying "that is going to die", so that extra SS from killing a model with Levi is very reliable.


I can't speak on the Necropunks... I generally run a list with all expensive models and rely on summoning through the game to out activate, which leaves me no room when building the list to add cheaper models.

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Don't overlook that the hodgepodge is also a Df 6, armor, HtK significant model.

The SAS is just that good. He is a 10 stone beat stick that moves, hits and tanks really well. It is the best Swiss Army knife 10 stone model I am aware of.

Honestly, with the balance in M2e and the fact Levi mostly uses his crew versus working with them, it's hard to go too wrong with any selection....

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Don't overlook that the hodgepodge is also a Df 6, armor, HtK significant model.

The SAS is just that good. He is a 10 stone beat stick that moves, hits and tanks really well. It is the best Swiss Army knife 10 stone model I am aware of.

Honestly, with the balance in M2e and the fact Levi mostly uses his crew versus working with them, it's hard to go too wrong with any selection....



You have a cozy Levi list already, especially with Convict Gunslingers and Johan.

The only purchase I would absolutely suggest is Necropunks.

The objective grabbing bane of my existence until I bought some.

They can lay down schemes, Curse Object, Distract, all on one turn (or thereabouts).

Cannot overestimate Necropunks.

Outside of that? Dealer's choice. Everything works and the more you mix it up, the more fun.

Personally I love Bete, Joss, Ryle, and Teddy.

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