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Sweeney Todd/Seamus Thematics?


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Hey all,


I am busy making up a Sweeney Todd proxy-Seamus crew. I have a few things in mind but I would like some input for certain elements.


A few rules I've set are that I cannot use Wyrd models to replace other models (I don't play in extremely competitive environments, but if I do, I have Seamus backed up just in case XD), and it has to be extremely Sondheim Sweeney Todd in theme only. I don't want to make use of minor characters unless they are 1) victims (and even then, extremely thematic but fitting with Seamus' thematics as well), or 2) accomplices to Sweeney's crimes (Mrs. Lovett as Sybelle and Tobias as CCK work fine here, clearly).


That being said, I have made a few considerations for things already. For example, the Hat Marker is aNicodem's throne, Corpse Markers are pies (which I've made from multicolored Sculpy), and Seamus is represented by Tales Of War's "El Barbero Diabolico" model. I have yet to paint any of these pieces (barring the pies, which are already the proper colors).


So, I'm looking into what some proxies could be, beyond what I already have. I'm not opposed to keeping non-Rare models as they are, though, if it comes to that. Any help?


~Lil Kalki

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Will they be undead versions of those characters? If not you're going to have some trouble filling everything out. Will your demon Barber model have its own throat cut? (Obviously Seamus is a Living model, but again thematics) 


I dunno about what model you could use for her, but Todd's wife could be Bete Noire or more fittingly Jaakuna Ubume. 


An undead Beadle could be Sebastian, as he's a true Henchman.  


Turpin's ghost would make a great Hanged. 


Hope this helps. 


Oh! Anthony Hope could be a Drowned. 


You could use "generic victims" with their throats cut as Belles, with the "higher class" victims as Doxxies. 

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