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Skeeter Wings


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So I got me a Som'er box (JOY!) and I'm looking forward to putting it together. The one thing that is throwing me is the wings on the skeeter minis. I want them to look gossamer and insect like, but I've never done anything like that before. Currently I'm looking at two options: take a mold of the wings and cast them in clear resin or plastic, or find a good painting method for the grey plastic. I was hoping some of the more experienced model workers here could weigh in on which they think is a better option.


Also, if painting is the way to go, where might I find a good method for that?

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The method I went with when I painted my old Skeeter mimi's was to add an iridescent medium (like this one here) to the base paint (use a lighter paint than you want the final result) and then washing/glazing with a brownish paint (I used Citadel Agrax Earthshade). After that a few layers of gloss coat and your done. Though they wont be see thru they will look gossamer and insect like.


Here is a photo of mine;


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I'm going to see what they offer (hopefully Monday when my FLGS is supposed to get them in) but when I made some custom skeeters I used a transparency sheet and misted it with dullcote to make a semitransparent wing.  I didn't bother with veins, but they would have been easy with sharpie


Here is a lousy photo


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How realistic do you want the wings to be?  With insects, and especially with flies including mosquitoes, it's all about the wing venation.  Would you be interested in seeing an image of what the venation pattern of a generalized mosquito looks like?  Sure, no one will appreciate the extra work most likely, but if you do run into an entomologist at an event, they just might yell out, "Well I'll be darned, if that isn't a fine likeliness of Anopheles quadrimaculatus!" (or whatever species you model it after).

   Apologies, bug-nerd-out finished.  But, you want a wing, I can get you a wing. 

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