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who to torment


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so who is your favourite/most anticipated non tormented model to use with jack daw, most likely to be given tormented by a guilty or maybe they don't need it. this can either be thematic, overpowered or interesting.


my personal choice is sue, I have said before that sue and Vanessa are my favourite mercs. the reason I say sue in this case is for the following.



he is Johnny cash and cash had many daemons, you could maybe say he was tormented, I think he fits in a crew of people and ex-people with issues


aura's can be increased in size with jd and sue can make them, both of these are defensive around him and jd likes a cluster crew


he has some solid range attacks and jd typically is a melee (ish) crew, so having a ranged guy who could sit back and hold a point wile contributing is good


higher wp than most of jd's theme and relentless meaning he can help deal with masters like Seamus and Pandy


card draw is nice as jd has a discard mechanic and replenishing would be useful


there is so much more, but I need to stop some were, basically I love sue and jd from 1st ed so having them together is heaven to me

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You make a lot of good points on Sue, Izikial. For me, Ama No Zako is the best choice. With as much terrifying as you'll likely be running, Devour just seems ridiculous. Furthermore, her Miasma of Boils and Flies is a decimator for many crews and works nicely with Jaakuna Ubume's own aura as well as the powers of the Drowned.


~Lil Kalki

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i have 3 problems with ama no zako, not to take away from your suggestion as it is good, and I like ama no zako In theory




1. hes terrifying living and my main foe atm is a resser player

2. he doesn't have any of the suites he needs to do anything meaning he will suck up all your ss

3. hes ml 5 and ca 6, for a 9 ss model that feels really low


I really like him and on a strat were you have to hold ground (turf war, squatters, even recon) ama and jaakuna with a drowned or 2 will mess the enemy up, add a drowned injustice so they cant walk out of the hazardous terrain and you do have a good tough force, then you bring in motressor and maybe a guilty for ama if you want and that is a really strong force, just watch out for guild esq gun lines

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On note note about the Ml5 on Ama.  She also has a 3/5/7 damage spread, if you have Papa Loco in your Jack Daw crew you can have him use Hold this on Ama so that she is more likely to get that 5-7 if you hit, and Ml5 is high enough that as long as you are willing to spend a card or two you will not be missing Minions or low Df big beatsticks.  Nothing quite like doing two moderate damage blows to Langston and dropping his damage 8 after his armor.  Also should you get a mask in your blow she heals pretty well as it is a 2/3/4 rather than a 1/2/3 like most healing.


That said I will agree that if you plan to take her you need to have some plans in mind and be having your eyes out for the cards that you need at any given time.  That said I have not felt strapped for the suits I need that bad as generally I only need 1-2 of them really at given times and often have plans in case I don't have them or want to perserve SS.  She requires constant judgement of action when using.


Personally I am a big fan of Convict Gunslingers as a whole in Outcast crews just for the range element they add, and Sue can fill a similar role with some other tricks.

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