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1st impressions

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My 1st set of models arrived yesterday and I eagerly set to start assembly. The detail is amazing.They are slightly smaller than I expected,most of my experience being with GW and PP models. Ramose went together easily,as did Joss. Then I went for the Brass arachnid,that model sits on a 30mm base??? I had to run a pin from the base through its abdomen to get him to sit right. Tonight I finished Langston....those legs were not cooperative,but I got him together.All in all I am pleased with the minis, I know what to expect from now on. My wife,on the other hand,is cursing me for getting her into this game,she is attempting to assemble Victorias Hired Swords,the number of small parts took her by supprise.The last models she put together were GW Wyches,all metal,few parts.I tried to be a supportive husband and ask to help her,she said 'nope,these are my girls and I'll put them together"...hey I offered  :P

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While I haven't tangled with it (yet) the Hired Swords box has something of a reputation, above and beyond the normal "tiny bits" comments seen on several other boxes.  The Lady Justice set is also well known for having a few very delicate bits, and Yan Lo for his beard being its own piece.  On the flip side, I seem to recall the Pandora , Sonia Criid, and Ortegas boxes as well-reviewed.  I recently picked up a couple of the 10 Thunders boxes, and while I haven't started into them yet, they look reasonable - except maybe Misaki herself.


The site http://gmortschaotica.blogspot.com/p/unboxing-malifaux.html has a selection of good unbox-and-assembly reviews of the sets.

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Having put together both the Hired Swords and The M&SU boxes I can comfortably say Ramos' box was much more obnoxious. That damn Brass Arachnid was a nightmare and Langston wasn't far from that either! Also putting together 12 Arachnids and trying to make them look cool whilst fitting them onto custom corked bases was a pain. 


The Viks box does have a few pieces that gave me some trouble as well and I can certainly see why the Mrs is getting frustrated by that kit of she's used to GW products. Taelor's straps were a royal pain in the backside but with some patience, a steady hand and a load more patience it's not too bad. 

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