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vanessa and sue


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Hi, I have a 2 parter, first most of the masters I want to play are wave 2 (yanlo, levi, jackdaw, shenlong, lucas) and I like tara but she is "unavalable". So I am looking at everything atm narrowing down what I really want, so what crew would vanessa and sue bothe fit best in (not the listed ones but all crews) there my favorit non masters. I know there wave 2 aswell, but I'm just norrowing my options.

Second, were dose each outcast master fall on a scale of needing soulstones, who needs a full 7 and who never wants to waste a stone on cache

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Vanessa is a Sister so Viks is the obvious choice for her. She adds a lot to the crew. Sue is great in pretty much any Outcasts crew, he offers some nice ranged support and has some nice buffs to help protect against spells or put out burning. As such any Outcast crew can benefit from his presence however he is a merc so for an additional ss he can go with anybody. If you're looking at both of them  at the same time though I'd say Viks is a good place to start

As for SS dependency for Masters there are 42 Masters in the game it's difficult to give a break down because a lot of people have different opinions. Lynch and Misaki are prime examples of this. Many people run them with a small cache because they either don't really need a big cache or there are benefits to not having one. I on the other hand always run a crew with at least 5ss available in the pool. I believe it's better to have them and not need them than need them and not have them. 
A few examples of Masters that tend to be better with a larger pool though are
Nicodem (Helps get the suits for summoning)
Ramos (Again helps with suits)
Viks (Damage prevention and suits for Whirlwind)
Lady Justice (Damage prevention and suit for Riposte)
Sonnia (Summoning of Witchlings and the usual damage prevent etc)
Examples of Masters that don't really need a lot of SS
Von Schill
This is just in my experience of course and only experience playing the game will determine what sort of size SS pool you are comfortable with. The best bet is to just go with a Master you like and run with them, get a feel for their play style as well as your own and go from there. Experiment and adapt accordingly. 
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