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starting with seamus

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it was mainly that you could see 3 markers from a safe distance completely controlling them and then shutting down my forces on the last 2 if you went to the kill zone side, instead you had limited vision on 2 and no vision on the other 3


I think she will win next game, im pretty sure. also I kind of want her to, for her obviously and I cant start improving until im forced to adapt, im learning every game but im not having to strive for the win atm, you can see with her not having won yet that she is learning quicker than me and she has the burning desire to win. not to be all big headed but im like bat man or rocky, victory will defeat me

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Seamus' AP is precious. It is ALWAYS worth it to cheat that Back Alley flip/ burn a stone to give yourself the Tome so you can jump 16". If for some reason you DO fail the flip to Back Alley (Black Joker or terrible hand), it is worth completely rethinking the rest of his activation and deciding if the Back Alley is worth it at all. In your next game, if you aren't already taking any upgrades, give her Sinister Reputation. That's the one that gives enemy models within 6" -2Wp. It's easy to use, incredibly effective, and she won't be playing Seamus much different than she is now. 


OK, onto Seamus' upgrade descriptions:


Limited Upgrades: Seamus has 2 Limited Upgrades (that means you can take one or the other, not both); Sinister Reputation and Bag o' Tools. Of the two, I've found myself reaching Sinister Reputation is most games. This isn't to sat that the Bag is bad, only that i find it has a more specialized usage.

Sinister Reputation:  The first ability on the upgrade is Spectacular Infamy, which gives enemy models within 6" -2 Wp. As I said above, it's ALWAYS useful and simply makes the rest of his crew better. Lures become nigh unavoidable (which helps with pounces.) A Belle's Undress action, goes from Casting on a 5, to a 7.  Horror tests for both Seamus and Sybelle go from a Wp5 model needing a 7 to pass up to a 9! Any model that affects Wp at all (I'm looking at you, The Hanged), become twice as good when used with Sinister Rep. Don't forget all those failed Wp tests also heal Seamus via Feast of Fear. The 2nd ability on the upgrade gives you Live for Pain- a second ranged attack that doesn't have the 1 shot per turn restriction the Flintlock does.  It has a decent damage spread and, more importantly, heals Seamus equal to the damage done. Note, this attack is a Ca action, so it does full damage to Incorporeal models, and that it is resisted by Defence and not Wp, so that it doesn't trigger Seamus' healing via Feast of Fear


Bag o' Tools: When I first looked at this upgrade, I thought it turned Seamus into a brawler. The Bag has good range (2"), Ml7, a solid damage spread, and a host of cool triggers including a "Decapitate" (instant kill unless your opponent discards 2 cards or 2 Soulstones.)  The truth is.... more complex. I've find Bag-oriented Seamus good at two things: 1. picking off lone models using Back Alley to drop right on top of them, and 2. using the Tome's To the Pain trigger to drop scheme markers. Since he is dropping them via an attack trigger rather than an Interact Action, the restrictions against dropping them while engaged and/ or not being able to drop Schemes Markers within 4" of eachother does not apply. This can make Seamus rather good at Schemes like Line in the Sand, Plant Explosives, and Spring the Trap.


Red Chapel Killer: This is a straightforward upgrade with lots of strategic depth. It gives a new 0 action, which allows Seamus to discard a corpse marker (usually one he just by attacking) to allow him to use Back Alley while still in Line of Sight of enemy models. Mind you that since they're both 0's, you can't use this one and Arise My Sweet in the same turn. The other ability on the upgrade let's Seamus Back Alley to friendly scheme markers. This can be very useful on a board lacking in terrain.  

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Thanks for the advice drix. I usually go for the bag o tools upgrade over sinister rep as it seems the meatiest attack wise but im leaning more to sinister now because of the lowering of wp. Ive not used the red chapel upgrade yet but having a different (0) action to go off would be useful especially being able to back alley more freely.

Next game is tomorrow and we are gonna swap fractions so I can see what my ressers are really capable of and also so I can get a better understanding of what his fraction does fingers crossed I dont get my ass kicked again lol

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