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Damaged Minis Workbench


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Alright,  I'm ready to ask advice on a couple of damaged minis.


Guild Guardian - both legs snapped off at the thin point between the hip and thigh.  I can see 5 ways of dealing with it - 1) Straight glue job, pray, and never move it or breath on it.  2) Attempt to do some ridiculously fine pin-job.  3) Make my first foray into Green Stuff, although I'm not sure what I could model around the hip/thigh area to hold it together.  4) 2 and 3.  5) Write it off, and convert it into terrain/marker.


If anyone can see a fix I missed, or have a modelling idea for the green stuff, or just want to weigh in on options...




Rasputina Metal - Left arm is lost to the winds of time.  I have an alt-Raspy, and may buy the plastic, so I'm not really worried about a like-stock fix.  A good idea for a properly-sized arm (even if holding an appropriate object), preferably orderable as a bit rather than butchering 1 mini to resurrect another, would be most welcome.  I scanned the reaper bits, and didn't see one - but I am a long ways from infallible.  :D




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  Looking at the model I'd say it's crying out for some plates over the hips, like the ones on the back of his fists. Maybe heavily modded 40k Terminator shoulderpads? Then you could put a muddle of wires and cables over the broken joints to cover them up. If it were a real thing, it would definitely have more protection around its lower body/hips than it currently does.

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  Looking at the model I'd say it's crying out for some plates over the hips, like the ones on the back of his fists. Maybe heavily modded 40k Terminator shoulderpads? Then you could put a muddle of wires and cables over the broken joints to cover them up. If it were a real thing, it would definitely have more protection around its lower body/hips than it currently does.


I like it!  Hmm, shoulderpads...  or maybe the little shoulder-shields on some termies?  Playing around is required.   :D


I've got some tiny little brass tunbuckles around that could pass for hydraulics, add some more support to the legs.  Yes, this could work.

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Do you have access to any warhammer fantasy bits?  I don't know, but I suspect, that an elf arm might work for Raspy.


I do have some WHFB Elves buried away, and went perusing the GW website to see if there were any bits likely to work, and the odds are long.  They tend towards scalemail, big sleeves, or both - and connecting at the elbow.  [Edit] Of course if I replace both arms, big sleeves would help hide differences in scaling...


I have a Beckoner pack that I stole a head from, figuring I could use a mismatched head there later as a Dead Doxy conversion.  I might just write off the bent-over one completely, steal the arms-plus-cane bit, and try to convert that to a pair of end-of-spell-casting arms for Raspy.

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Box would be Pandora, not Rasputina.  Unless Raspy started moonlighting in some fluff I haven't gotten to.  ;)   The mismatched arm could be amusing on a Neverborn lady (ponders Lilith with Giant Sword in one hand, 2x4 in the other - and the visible muscles on the 2x4 arm).


But your comment led me into dark, dark paths...  Mr Tannen has an extra arm.  Even better, the Lynch & Huggy box has two sets of arms for the female illuminated.  And a second, rather messed up, head for her, for my Dead Doxy conversion.  Jackpot!

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