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Widow Weaver Exhale Terror



Quick question,


If the widow weaver casts exhale terror and deals damage it states that the target must take a TN12 horror duel. The model passes the duel. I then do exhale terror again and damages the model. The target does another TN12 horror duel and fails.


the question is Do you do the second horror duel? Are you immune to the duel? I think you still have to do the duel even if you are immune to it. I am just not sure if you receive paralyzed after the second duel.  


Thanks a lot

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On page 55 of the small rule book it says "A model therefore does not have to pass multiple horror duels caused by one models terrifying ability"  The exhale terror spell is not the terrifying ability it is a spell that causes you to take a horror duel not a terrifying test. Same with coppelius, his trigger that causes every on in a 4 inch pulse to take a TN12 horror duel is not his terrifying but a trigger causing models to take a horror duel.    

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On page 55 of the small rule book it says "A model therefore does not have to pass multiple horror duels caused by one models terrifying ability" The exhale terror spell is not the terrifying ability it is a spell that causes you to take a horror duel not a terrifying test. Same with coppelius, his trigger that causes every on in a 4 inch pulse to take a TN12 horror duel is not his terrifying but a trigger causing models to take a horror duel.

That rule references Horror in general, and uses Terrifying as one way a horror duel is generated. It is an example. The model is immune to all Horror tests generated by that model for the rest of the turn.

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The reference to the Terrifying test that you quote is one example of the broader rule explained in the previous sentence in that paragraph. It says "...the model is considered Immune to Horror Duels from the model that generated the Horror Duel".

Aussie has it correct, in both of your examples (widow weaver and coppelius), a model that passed a Horror Duel generated from their actions/triggers would be immune to any further Horror Duels generated by them, regardless of if they used the same action/trigger or their Terrifying ability, or any thing else they did, until the end phase of that turn.

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