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So, how does "When killed, heal 1 point..." work?



This model gains the following Ability:


Blackened Scepter:While this model is in play, friendly Horseman models which are killed or sacrificed are buried instead and heal 1 damage. When this model is buried, unbury any Horseman buried in this way within 2" of this model before removing it


From this thread


Interesting on the wording... you can die while buried. Nothing here says references it's buried or unburied state when checking for death.

 So, I think the operation goes...


Pony is reduced to negative bajillion points->Check for Levi buried state. If he's buried, pony is soopah ded. If he is not, bury pony, heal one point.

Pony is now at 1+negative bajillion points. Rules for less than 1 hp come into effect, setting the model to ded/sac'd. But that triggers Black Scepter, which then removes another point... repeat ad infinitum until the model no longer has to check for dead, which is only when it has more HP than 0, stepping back up by one each time... so the pony is finally buried with 1 HP.



I am curious about this keep healing one wound ad nauseum til alive ruling you guys have come up with. 

Is there a precedent for it? Is there something in the rules that allows you to count as killed many times?

I believe the rules for killed are something along the lines of "When a model is reduced to 0 or fewer wounds it is removed as killed".

If that is the case I'm honestly curious how you are triggering "killed" by healing 1 wound repeatedly.

So, does it work this way, and is my interpretation of states a valid one?

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