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I miss Malifaux


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Or... It might be more accurate to say that I miss the local Malifaux community.


I had such a great time on Saturday night at Adepticon in the 1.5 story.


I honestly feel like Warmachine has made me a much better Nicodem player in his old form. I love jamming and the dogs let me do things now that feel so very natural.


I also miss the community of local players. I spoke with Bret for a bit(Sharpobjects) and it sort of helped me get a bit more motivated. 

Heck, I did not even realize I missed JoeG until I saw him. :)


While I can honestly say that I find much of these forums and particular individuals here to be poison for me, I can say that there are a number of things and people that I still like when I think about NOT being around these forums and their yes-men toxic attitudes


It is clear to me that Warmachine now satisfies much of what I want in a tabletop game, I think I still intend to actually purchase the new M2E rulebook(My son will be happy since both our names are in it) and start getting accustomed to the new world.


And while I *HATE* what has happened to Nicodem and especially Jacob and Huggy, I know that for the most part, that all that really means is that there is something less likeable than what I had, but combined with people that I like... So for me... Its sort of like having to drink miller products at a white sox game.... I can stomach the beer and love my sox.


Hope to see some of you soon. (And some of you... maybe not so much... you know who you are usual suspects)


So Sean, greg, Bret... let me know when you have some shindigs and I'll see what I can swing. 

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I was somewhat of a ghost at adepticon. I wandered by on occasion to check on an ever more tired Sean... See how Chris and Greg were doing running things and to catch up with the possibly 4 people left from who I usually think of as "adepticon regulars" so you probably would not have noticed me. I was usually followed by my son, who through some sort of optical illusion, appears to be about 4 inches taller than me. Also, my good friend John made a couple city boards and what I thought was a slickly "lit" graveyard board on "zuzzy" rubber. We were also the ones splashing the last of 3 bottles of Jameson around as we were 60% of the 1.5 story encounter on Saturday night where my friends got to meet and have very nice things to say about Nick and Victoria.

My Son lost to Nick, but beat Victoria with a well-placed papa loco... (And had nothing but very nice things to say about both of them, for the record)


I spent a majority of my weekend being taught to understand two things... My warmachine lists are slow...


I know how to beat Retribution since I was 4-0 against them for the weekend. (Its the faction my son plays, so I actually know what they do)


All that having been said, it was very nice to see Malifaux alive, despite desperately missing Bill and Dan.


P.S. I have to once again thank Greg for both holding the 1.5 story and convincing me to stay in it even after bill bailed and I was leaning towards zombiecide... That single-handedly sort of let me re-ignite some of the core things that I enjoy about the game. Time will tell if 2.0 can hold us, but that 1.5 fix gave me the energy to give it a whirl, so thanks Greg.

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While I can honestly say that I find much of these forums and particular individuals here to be poison for me, I can say that there are a number of things and people that I still like when I think about NOT being around these forums and their yes-men toxic attitudes


Hope to see some of you soon. (And some of you... maybe not so much... you know who you are usual suspects)


Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if you didn't call those people out within your first few posts of being back on the forums. Seems deliberately antagonistic and uncalled for to me.

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The great thing about my recent personal revelations about what I enjoy about the game is that it really does not matter if people such as yourself that already self-recognize themselves as being called out realize it because what I know is that it is my local community in Chicago that I like and get along with and that the people here that are a decent sized chunk of what turned me off about the game simply do not matter...




Go enjoy Malifaux wherever it is that you do, and I will hang out here with people I *LIKE*. 


Hanging at Adepticon reminded me that there are awesome people in this game... These forums? Less so...

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