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Image Comments posted by Silver_lining_minipainting

  1. love the idea of the shadow in the background. I'd like to see more saturation and more variation in color on the puppet. Also, its not really clear what is casting the shadow.

  2. Nice work, I indeed like the helm area the most. The loin cloth and the base feel a bit out of place with the rest of the piece. There's also what seems like a big fat mould line on his right arm.

  3. On 8/23/2022 at 11:18 PM, SpannerRider said:

    The OSL work is good, but the rest of the model feels unfinished, not considering the base even, the rest of the painted model seems too bright to be getting that much glow off of the ol' glow saber. 

    I don't know actually, aren't light sabers like really really bright :D


  4. really really great lighting. Some transitions are a bit crude, but the contrast and placement of highlights is spot on! Also like the blueish reflectionn of moonlight on the left side.

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  5. 3 hours ago, KID55 said:

    Idea is absolutely amazing! But... Where is urban environment?

    In the background there is a city skyline by night but it doesn't show in the picture.

  6. The shadow effect of the horse is a really nice touch. I would have loved to see the miniatures be a larger part of the diorama. Now its harder to see details and the dynamic between models. Great job though!

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