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Everything posted by Mindbadger

  1. Love the artwork on them! One thing I'm a bit worried about is that you seem to be incentivized to take them as a package, Dark Tale boosts them quite a bit, especially the damage on the Red Caps, they seem to get much stronger moving as a small group. But that's a 25 point package, might be tough to fit in to many crews. As standalone pieces, Hildegard brings a bit of movement shenanigans, Red Caps remove enemy schemes and can sometimes put out some hurt. Klaus seems a bit more interesting, some good discard, some conditions to hand out and some situationally powerful stuff.
  2. The Kaltgeists seem quite interesting! Just having mobile Ice Pillars is great, should allow a lot of interesting interactions with the other Savage models. The fact that they can hand out staggered kind of makes me want to pick them with Lyssas and Cyclops. The Lyssas will get a lot of ping damage it will make them more likely to get the Misdirected Rage trigger off their attack. The Cyclops can targe the Kaltgeists with their bonus action to either unavoidably hand out staggered, scheme, heal or ping. With all that staggered going about, some of the Mv duels will actually become serious threats. Would change the crew a lot from a few big boys to more numerous smaller pieces. Not sure it would be good, but would be interesting to try out. The only problem is finding room to fit them in. I feel Savage sometimes feels a bit cramped for hiring points with all the expensive units.
  3. Well, if old Euripides weakness was a lack of healing, this one sure makes up for it! Getting Frozen Vigor helps him use The Old Ways a bit less painfully, he can heal for pretty decent chunks with his melee attack and Absolute Zero can heal him and the gang decently. He seems much more like a front line tank now, able to trade hits and heal up. He definitely won't be able to make as many Ice Pillars, though the Hoarfrost trigger will help you create a bunch in one area. Can help wall off a chokepoint or actually block sight from your chunky boys. Aetheric Gaze seems very AP efficient if you can get an Ice Pillar near it (should be easy enough, just bonus action first if there isn't one) and gives him a decent threat range of around 20" (10 from him, 10 from the ice pillar by your target) which makes up for the fact that he lost his teleport a bit. Amusingly, old Euripides would probably prefer the ranged attack and this new one would prefer to be able to teleport in. Avalanche seems a bit... just ok. I guess it can help you get your models through Ice Pillars if things get cramped but a TN13 Mv duel isn't the most threatening thing in the world. Situationally, it could be awesome, but most of the time I think I'd be using his other actions more. Hepatomancy seems like it will be pretty good when fighting kicks off. You're getting a rune token every time a Savage model suffers damage, if things are going bad and you are taking hits, you'll get more of them to hopefully help sway duels in your favour.
  4. Well, can't say I'm disappointed by that, glad new Jakob doesn't get downgraded! Huggy always felt like one of the more impactful models in Honeypot so getting an extra AP on him will be pretty big.
  5. I don't know how good he'll be, but he's super thematic! I love the fact that Huggy has taken over. So, if I'm reading the upgrade correctly, now that Huggy is the master he gets 3AP. Where does this leave the new Jakob? Does he get demoted to 2 AP or does he keep the 3? The word "instead" on the upgrade is making it unclear for me. Regardless, it will save you a few points in hiring now that giving Hungering Darkness the Silent Protector upgrade isn't as mandatory. As for the new Lynch himself, I think I prefer Luck Theif to Don't Bite The Hand for defence and he trades his summoning brilliance nuke for a much stronger melee attack. He adds a bit more punishment to the bubble with Delerium which also is a pretty good source of ping damage with all the ways to add brilliance. Should hopefully scare people from getting too close. The bonus action is similar, being a lasting aura is neat. He has some utility in the ability to heal and either save allies or drag enemies into the bubble. He seems like he enhances the bubble style of play that the honey pot already has rather than changing it up. The new minion is ok. He does little things, a ping here and there, a small heal and then when he has outlived his usefulness, you can cash him in for cards or soulstones. Doesn't do anything incredibly exciting but is also only 4 points, 2 of which you can kind of get back for soulstones later on.
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