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Błażej Filipiak

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About Błażej Filipiak

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  • Birthday 02/25/1990

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    United Kingdom, Exeter
  • Interests
    Board games, Miniature games, Military, History, weird sports, Video games

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  1. Valid point there. I actually wanted at first focus on uniqueness of game mechanic, but it's true, that understanding game lore is a lot more appealing for many people. Actually story in games is something what drove me away form some games, and on contrar helped me to get into some games. Thank you so much for your comment. I do appreciate it a lot
  2. Hi everyone! So I'm about start preparing awesome demo games and need a little bit of help to find the most iconic/renown/recognisable Masters to show and let people get hooked up.
  3. First video after introduction and talking about first step: Research! Enjoy!
  4. Hello! So I'm starting my hard work of creating new player base for Malifaux in my city. Any advice is always welcome- any help is very appreciated, as I never did it before. Hope it'll become a real deal, we'll succeed and soon we'll have bunch of great people cheating fate regularly
  5. New clip on my YouTube channel! This time some exciting news about my newest project and it'll be big!


  6. @Adran Thanks a lot! You just confirmed to me the way i wanted to take: grab few boxes and hit FLGSs with demo games. We have 2 really good local shops in Exeter (one was selling Malifaux, now only has books 😕), none of them ever had people playing Malifaux really, but i talked to owners and they were very open towards setting events for Mailfaux. There is also one great club/shop near Exeter (Crediton), which i will hit soon. When it comes to Bristol, there is a club, where people used to play, but 1,5 year ago they went silent. I know that pandemic didn't help, but even before it there was very little chatter and mostly news about new releases, not about events or casual play. Thanks again. I will organise some Malifaux event in the future. I got my Kaeris crew almost done. Now need to find visually cool models from other faction and can start promoting the game
  7. Actually it's not bad idea. MtG is quite strong in here and there is fair share of veteran, who literally say "Magic is dead now", especially since Arena became really popular and prices of MtG products are rising like crazy. I'll do the research and will check how people respond to that approach.
  8. I'm located in Exeter in South-West of UK. This region is extremely dominated by Warhammer 40k and AoS. Even second most populat miniature game (Bolt Action) has few players here and there. I tried running promos for other games, but noone is interested getting into other games. Thu the question, because I don't have any ideas myself 😕
  9. Hi everyone! Just like in title- I'm new into the game. Love how unique it is, love the lore and climate. Since CoVid situation is getting better in UK, there is more and more venues opening and more opportunities to play live games. I wanna start playing Malifaux, but i cannot find any people around me. I asked at local gaming places and no luck so far. So I want to know, if you guys had similar problem and how can I start playing? Most of my gaming buddies are playing X-wing and other mainstream games and very hard to convince them to try something new. Should I just leave advert in FLGSs that I'm looking for players?
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