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Posts posted by Vaylos

  1. 37 minutes ago, Maniacal_cackle said:

    I'm still on:

    Lucius and Totem 

    Lawyer with pact

    Changeling with pact

    Wicked doll




    Thanks. I'll steal that and mess around with it. I've recently started experimenting with him and haven't found a good crew yet and this seems like an interesting spread.

  2. Leveticus is more than likely to bring a ranged game against Euri.

    That being the case, you should consider that if you get deployment. Choose a side that might be able to give you cover or concealment.

    Second, place Ice Pillars just outside of 1 inch from the opponents models to form a wall (in base to base with each other). Make them waste AP on taking down the wall of Ice Pillars.

    Conversely, use Ice Pillars to give yourself cover.

    With the exception of Ashes and Dust, most of Amalgam isn't known for their exceptional MV, so drop Ice Pillars to deal damage to Levi's crew and himself. Bringing a Cyclops to give models staggered will also help tremendously.

    Use the Damned (if you have them) to scheme and waif hunt.


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  3. 2 minutes ago, Necrosage said:

    Played Euripides against Rasputina. 

    Was hilarious.


    But I can't help feeling the gigants are lackluster compared to Euripides and Thoon.

    Depends on how you use them. They can be great delivery vehicles for your other models with their Tree Trunk and Shattering Shove trigger. You can cover the entire length of the board if you have set up the delivery.


    They are also no slouches on the defense. Not needing LOS to be able to toss rocks and automatically push people off objectives is clutch.


    Plus being able to use Cave Drawings to prevent schemers from scheming in particular spots can be crucial.


    They are your back line defense models and that makes them stand out a little less since they are being run into the fray or sent off schemeing, but they are just as important to have.

    • Agree 1
  4. I really didn't respond to this when I should have, so I want to take a second to say that I think this is an excellent breakdown of Euri.

    I'm 12 games into playing him now and this has answered some questions I found myself asking about him (specifically about the viability of Cyclops). It also solved the Old Ways problem I had by introducing the BBS.

    This guide is incredible, well thought out, and instructive.

    The only thing I would add is to be careful of Rune-Etched ice and pillar placement since it does affect your own models. It can be a tricky thing to use when you have melee beaters in place.

    • Thanks 1
  5. On 6/13/2021 at 6:39 AM, Durza said:

    How dare you insult my beautiful boys, apologise to them, the Geryon in particular. 😛


    I haven't listened yet, but would disagree on your notes on the Candy bomb, if she bombs herself up it requires her to activate and win a duel, meaning she has lost manipulative and corrupted Innocence. Shattering shove has her unactivated in the middle of the enemy crew, the best place for her to be. Won't disagree on it being resource intensive, and it's not something you'll try every game. 

    I think that holding the resource for On Your Heels is key there. The last game I played I activated her last and targeted the lowest WP model in a crowd. I held a stone and a 13 to teleport her there and it was worth both resources.

    You are right about the combo being something you wont use every game, but it's also something you don't have to waste that much AP on. As with everything in this game, it's a tool in your pocket. A huge part of the game is knowing when you need a wrench vs a screwdriver.

    • Like 1
  6. 1 hour ago, Alcathous said:

    Fae: Emissary should be green and Killjoy should be orange. Emissary should be in your main list over KJ. KJ is much more situational, harder to use, and would need to be flexed out sooner. Hooded rider and rougaru should be yellow. Serena should go down to orange.

    Savage: Crew looks good for the cost, but Cyclops are pretty much mandatory. I'd leave your core the same (it's good for learning) but move Cyclops to green. Lyssa should be yellow; no one should be buying changelings before Lyssa. The Howling should get on the list, either red/orange.

    Nightmare/Woe: Carver should be orange at least. Opportunist (Focus) is definitely tech worth having in rotation.


    I am on the same boat with Cyclops being the box to buy before Geryon. I find myself consistently reaching for the Cyclops before the Geryon in every list I build.


    If I had to choose the order to buy Savage in it would be as follows:


    Euripides Core (Green)

    Cyclops (Green)

    Insomnia Box - Serena (Yellow)

    Damned (Yellow)

    Geryon (Yellow)

    Hooded Rider (Red)

    Lyssa (Red)

    Crossroad 7 - Wrath (Red)

    The Howling (Red)

    Half Bloods (Red)

    Mysterious Fate (Purple?)

    Hinamatsu (Purple?)

    Puppet Show (Purple?)


    Purple to me is that I don't really see the need to bring models from those boxes.

  7. 1 hour ago, Maniacal_cackle said:

    I'm curious as to how many people have played her with the new rules. I find her pretty wild still.

    Ran her tonight in Euri. She did what she always does, keep my models alive while doing a little extra work.


    I've honestly noticed almost no difference except that I'm more likely to commit her to melee.

    • Like 1
  8. 2 hours ago, Azkral said:

    The problem with ES against Euri is calypso, he can remove destructible terrain very easily 

    Mad Dog Brackett does the same. Still tied the games.

    You will know that Cooper is coming. You can prepare for him.

    You have to remember that you have Old Ways. If you know the shot is coming from the Master, hold your high card and Old Ways it. 

    Or Soul Stone it if you can. 

    Focus early to prepare if you have garbage in your hand Turn 1 or Stone for Cards.

    Bring three Bultungin to run schemes and drop 3 fifty mm Underbrush markers. 

    Declare that you would like any forests in the table to be Dense, Concealing, Severe. 

    Forget the killing game and try to score points, that way you save all your resources for defense. 

    There are options. You just have to accept that there is going to be difficulties, just like with every game. 

    It is my humble opinion that being adaptable is one of the major keys to winning Faux games. 

    • Like 1
  9. 2 hours ago, SEV said:

    What is going on with you NB players? You're not so quiet usually... Moreover, we're the most played faction this month with 18 players! 

    (Maybe because we're the best double masters faction). 

    @Makhinawins with his beloved Dora support by the autumns queen.  And @Khyodeelost a close one with D+Z to the fearsome @Legislat... Pandora also wins vs Zoraida (NB).

    I also went for the little kid + grandma combo. @ScottishMetaLew, without surprise, will play Euripides for a classic sunday morning (morning for me at least) game.

    Dreamer (Pact)


    Mama Z






    Euripides (Eldritch)

    P. Magic


    The Damned 

    Cyclops (Pact)


    But lunging




    I lost by one point on Tuesday of last week against Mei Feng, 5 to 6. It was a super tight game and I played myself with Intuition and it cost me the game. 

    I've got a Euri Vs Mama Z game scheduled for Tuesday. First time facing her and it's my opponents first time playing her. 

    This will mark game number 8 with Euri for me in my quest to play him 20 times against other players. 

    We should probably make a specific topic for these sorts of discussions. We could call it the Neverborn Casual Chat.


    Someone bring out ze comfy chair. 

    • Like 1
  10. 15 minutes ago, Deathknight Tactica said:

    Depending on how much terrain and what type of terrain you typically use this could be a huge drain to your resources. Also using two would hinder how many your spreading out for shattering surprise.

    I just feel like it's too much to have to work around when there are other options. I'd basically just rule out Euripides for ES games and bring basically any other master I could that would benefit from the smaller terrain. Unless you have A LOT of large buildings that obstruct LOS in the board. Because in that situation why would anyone  call a master that relies on long sight lines. 

    To each their own. I've tied games with Parker at least twice now and used the screening tactic.

    A two Pillar screen is one card. If you can Old Ways it, you get 80mms of screen that Cooper has to send someone in to deal with.

    If you can go full hog and get 120mm across the center of the board, your opponent is going to have to deal with a lot of blocked sight lanes.

    That's just one turn, two cards and one HP from your master. I would willing trade one master activation to shut down the majority of a ranged crew's strength every single time.

    • Thanks 1
  11. 20 minutes ago, Deathknight Tactica said:

    Cooper's rifle ignores cover and the ice pillars are 30mm while everything else is 50mm. That's the biggest problem, yes you could do the ice pillar jumping game but I feel like you'd still be very very exposed early in the game which means by the time you set up all the jumps you've lost two or three of your crew already.

    Cooper's rifles don't ignore LOS though. Use the Ice Pillars to create a screen to block LOS. Two of them will do and allow you to have cover to move up the board.

  12. 31 minutes ago, Deathknight Tactica said:

    Has anyone been a little reluctant to use Euripides if your opponent calls Explorer Society as their faction? With the size of this crew and the issues trying to mitigate LOS to the enemy I see Cooper being a very tough opponent for this crew. Haven't run into this yet but my normal opponent just bought the Apex crew and I thought of this. 

    I think it comes down to pillar placement at that point. There's a reason the ice pillars are the same height as Euri. 

    I personally have not faced Cooper yet, but I've faced ranged lists and using terrain and ice pillars to block LOS is key.

    Gigants become very valuable as they can toss rocks without having to have those LOS lanes that Coopers crew will. 

    Alternatively, you could play the Ice Pillar jumping game. The Harpooners are the only Apex models with Gunfighter. 

    Teleport in Geryons with the Gigants trees trunk trigger and engage them so you take away their ranged superiority. 

  13. 1 hour ago, Cats Laughing said:

    Just purely from a 'shares keyword' point of view, Euripides/Savage has a few models that share keywords with other Neverborn keywords:

    Lyssa are Savage and Woe (Pandora)

    Bultungin are Savage and Fae (Titania)


    If you've bought all of the savage models, those are two keywords you could consider branching out to as you'll already have some models. 

    FWIW, Titania is a "brings markers" master, much like the ice pillars from Euripides, so that might be easy for you to gronk, but also might be something your opponents are already beginning to prepare for.

    Both Lyssa's and Bultungin are weaker models imho, they don't make great bridges into other keyword. I didn't pick up Bults alone, as they came with Rougarous and I only purchased the Lyssas to be faction complete.


    I would recommend Pandora, Dreamer, or Nekima.


    Pandora is a smaller more tight-knit crew that wants to sit in one place. She's a very different play than Euri.

    Dreamer can run the board with the correct build (Widow Weaver, Bandersnatch) and his Terrifying models give them a measure of tanky-ness.

    Nekima is just unbridled aggression. Euri can beat face when he needs to, but Nekima lives in your opponents deployment zone killing models turn 2.

  14. 12 minutes ago, Thatguy said:

    Given that I've heard complaints about being the weakest faction from Guild, Neverborn, Arcanists, Outcasts and Ressers, it seems like the meta is in a pretty good place. Lol

    A good agreement is when all parties are equally dissatisfied. 

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  15. 27 minutes ago, SEV said:

    So, you suggest to play Euripides as a support in Dora crew. This is cool, but I think the other way around could be even better (but you loose the activation control ability which is crew leader only)...

    What about this

    STAGERPIDES (Euripides +Dora) (Neverborn)
    Size: 50 - Pool: 5
      Primordial Magic
        Ancient Pact
      The Damned
      Lyssa 2
      Lyssa 3


    I'd almost trade out the Lyssas for two Gigants. The Lyssas stat 4 staggered ability is so low. 

    Maybe even another Cyclops. Use Euri to throw down pillars and Cyclops to Frozen Runes - Jera. That way there is no resisting the ability, you just have to hit a target number and models within 2 inches of that ice pillar automatically gain staggered. 

  16. 5 minutes ago, Azkral said:

    Well Zoraida is helpful to his crew, those obeys with so many good beaters look good

    Pandora's activation control would also not be out of place plus she brings Misery for Staggered, Slow, and Stunned.

    The poltergeist would synergize with Telekinesis and the Ice Pillars, but I feel like that's a trap as you would be removing Ice Pillars from the table.

  17. 1 hour ago, LightningJuice said:

    I don't know why I didn't see it before, probably because I haven't played Euripides in a long time. Symbols should be super easy for him. Tree Trunk teleport The Damned to an Ice Pillar next to one of their Symbols... ez pz. With Euripides' range on creating the Ice Pillars you can more than likely get pillars down close to multiple Symbols to make it hard for your opponent to predict where Damned will come out (if they even expect it to happen at all). Will be trying this the next chance I get!


    Also, I think Gigants are going to be super strong, if not at least annoying, in Break the Line. Their Bonus to prevent Interacts/Concentrate within 2" of an Ice Pillar is super easy denial. Sure they can remove the pillar via an action or some other removal, but its something they have to do. Its not a free Interact with the strat marker. And one more action could be all you need to deny the point from them.


    I just keep finding more reasons to add things to this post...

    I think Euripides is going to come into his place in GG2. Cyclops are so good for Death Beds and Detonate Charges (maybe you take 2 Cyclopes for Detonate if you want to be super safe and flexible?). Just poop those scheme markers out of Pillars which will probably be everywhere.


    Super trolly, and not as easy to pull off. You could use Eurpides or the Geryon to throw the Frozen Trophy Ice Pillar back into your table half (if it's not already). Then wait until they've activated the Buried model, put a Scheme marker down then destroy the Ice Pillar yourself to pop the enemy model out and score Bait and Switch 🤣

    Cyclops are even stronger than you might think. Since they have a 12" range on their Ice Pillars and the Frozen Runes ability, they are going to be very good ranged scheme runners. They will also be good for Outflank, Research Mission, and Spread Them Out.


    I only wish they had their trigger built in on Ice Pillars. I think that if they had done that though, Cyclops (2) would have been an auto include in every Euri list.

    • Agree 2
  18. 6 hours ago, Shlowmoe said:

    Take Tara for example. She was considered bad last GG but now everyone expects her to do well this GG with minimal changes to her crew (Talos got a buff). 


    Reality is the masters that got changed we're usually a NPE for your opponents and needed a tweak. Just because they got nerfed doesn't mean they're bad, they just may not be easy mode anymore. 


    Part of war gaming and mastering a particular army / faction / leader / master is taking those leaders you might think are worse due to changes and finding new and innovative ways to play them. 

    In my humble opinion, when you can do that, you have truly mastered your army. I would go one step further and say that's the essence of Faux.

    • Agree 1
  19. A friend gave me the guild core for Sonnia Criid. I tried it out and enjoyed the depth of play to the game. I looked around at different sculpts for each faction and decided to choose Neverborn based off the models (I played Grymkin in Warmahordes).

    After that I just slowly expanded to be faction complete. I still have a few non-Neverborn models to get (Swampfiends, Paul Crockett) but I'm happy with my choice even having seen other armies played.

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