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Everything posted by Moinetbeard

  1. First job of the month was to paint the Web markers I'd made for my Cadmus crew. Couple of hours, a bit of tumble-dryer sheet, lots of glue and done! Pretty pleased with how these turned out. They'll probably be quite impractical in a game but whatever!
  2. reporting in for July! I will be working on some more Explorers Society models - finishing my Nexus Models (I just have Nexus kids, 3 Spelleaters and Cavatica to go). After that i'll work on some of the versatile models i have - Intrepid Emissary and Effigy, Vernon and Welles and hopefully some Botanists! Plus I'll be finishing off my web markers that i started in June.
  3. A few more done tonight, used some glue this time to enhance the webs. I've also built some scenic Web markers as well which need finishing. I'm hoping to get those done before the end of the month as well!
  4. Looks like a productive month for many of you! @wobbly_goggy I'm loving your continuation with ten thunders, that colour scheme for Sidir looks great @Gheistyour Ivan and Jin are lovely- despite the darkness and contrast the richness of the colours youve used is really nice. @Shock & Aweyour Dawn serpent is excellent. Its a fantastic model and you really did it justice here- almost a mini diorama. Did you make the tree yourself? @Diddickthat misaki is just fantastic- I think its captures the character of Misaki really well. those flowers being kicked up is particularly well executed. @DemiMurgosyour ultramarine is beautifully executed. @TimHlovely job- particularly like the aversions. @Brushgitwhat a great model- i must admit I have been tempted over the years to try 3d printing, I just don't think I've got the technical ability nor the patience. Was this printed using filament? @OctaBitlovely job on Ivan- i think you've captured the effect of the light source and shadow really well! I've been taking a bit of a break from painting this month after having a productive month in May and have been out in the world doing stuff! I've been on holiday, been to several concerts and visited a friend in London for the first time in years as well as attending my first Malifaux Tournament, which was great! The last week or so though I've been getting a bit of an itch to paint and blasted out this lot in a rush of productivity over the course of a couple of evenings. I wanted to try something new with the Eyes and Ears- the intention was to be able to whizz through them quickly- I primed black and drybrushed through greys to white, creating almost a zenithal effect. They were then just painted using glazes and a few simple highlights. I managed to do all 5 in about 2 hours. I was quite pleased with how Nexus, her totems and the Creeper turned out. In particular the bases- I used ripped up tumble dryer sheets to make the Web effect. The plan for the rest of the month is to do Dr Meredith Stanley and The Archivist plus a number of 3d Web markers- I'll have fun making those creating lots of little scenic markers using more of the Tumble dryer sheets. I'm hoping to have the whole keyword as well as all of the Explorer versatile options I have finishes by the end of next month. Looking forward to seeing some last minute additions to the June submissions!
  5. hmm ok I can see what is being said and you're right. As you've said, it's the terminology around what constitutes a "lasting effect" that needs fully defining (for what it's worth i would expect it means any effects not covered by conditions, tokens or upgrades which are already covered in the rules, so i guess abilities such as on the archivist's trigger for font of knowledge would count as a "lasting effect" and is what the devs had in mind). Has this come up in any major tournaments yet? It would be interesting to see how TOs rule on it - i think it's fairly clear that having a rat king with a giant load of AP to use was not the intention of the developers.
  6. I see what you're saying and i do agree that the rules around the terminology of what a "lasting effect" is should be firmed up, but I don't think that's what the issue is here: You don't generate an action until you resolve the effect of the shockwave on each rat. Because of the rules for simultaneous effects you choose a rat one at a time to resolve and resolve all of the effects. So for example, you choose rat A (of A, B, C, D) to resolve first and the effect of the shockwave generates an action. if rat A chooses to tangle together using that action then the other rats have not been chosen to resolve effects at that point ergo have not generated an action. In this case once Rat A concludes it's action (and turned into the rat king, removing Rats B, C and D in the process) there are no further rats within the shockwave to continue to resolve it's effect on. I think the issue seems to be that people are taking the term "simultaneous effects" literally, when in the rules it isn't literal at all - you resolve them fully, one at a time. You don't generate an action on a rat, leave it unresolved and then jump to another rat to resolve another effect there.
  7. isn't this whole thing covered by the rules for simultaneous effects on page 34 or the rulebook?
  8. Sorry,I meant Effigy! Usually with the upgrade. The action (and therefore shadow marker) generation from the Effigy is useful at the beginning, but I think the emissary is more useful later on.
  9. I've been playing Misaki regularly into Youko (I have been practicing Misaki for a tournament and one of the players I can reliably get a game against primarily plays Youko) so feel like I might have some good insight into both! Youko has benefitted from a bit of a glow-up, but she still feels like she is a difficult master to win with - she just seems to lack alot of punch. she puts alot of pressure on your opponent's hand so she might be quite good against masters that have poor card draw or rely on their hand alot. Hinamatsu seems great. not much more I can say about her. Misaki was a great choice for me to learn the game with - she's very flexible and doesn't necessarily need to take in keyword choices to work. I always take Minako Rei in both Misaki 1 and 2 but everything else is flexible. In contrast to what @regleantsaid above (and whilst i agree i would never use thunder archers in misaki 1) I find thunder archers really great in Misaki 2 - they are a decent source of shadow markers other than Misaki's obey and against certain matchups they can be devastating with irreducible blast damage. I've played a few games using Yamaziko + 2 thunder archers and they were great - there were several times that they were getting 4 shots each a turn, with blast, often getting +2 positive on the attack and +1 positive on the damage. I probably wouldn't use Yamaziko in misaki 1 though - i don't use enough minions really and models don't bubble up enough to benefit from her aura. would also echo what @regleantsaid about TT versatiles - they are just so good, samurai are my go to in last blossom, but all of them are great - Shadow emissary could be particularly useful in Misaki 2.
  10. Just managed to fit in a few more of hours of painting last night and completed Yamaziko for a total of 59SS complete this month. I'm actually pretty ashamed about the huge gaps on her front, especially as this month were talking about filling gaps... as you can see generally I don't bother. I normally find other ways to hide them, but these are pretty obvious... hey ho.. I'll probably go back at some point and fill these- I'll use a bit of green stuff, we'll worked with some moisturiser to soften it loads. And here are a few family photos of my first completed Malifaux crew. I think they have been the most I have ever enjoyed painting, which is down to the models themselves as well as the support form the lovely Malifaux community. This challenge has been the best thing ever to get me painting after such a long time of not being motivated.
  11. Thank you! It's amazing the difference between the backgrounds - I think I prefer the black background, the colours just pop so much!
  12. @Gheist Amazing work - I can't quite believe how much you get done in a month to such a high quality- very inspiring! The purples and blues you've used here are lovely and rich. @Shock & Awegreat work on the second rougarou and you really nailed the black background photograph- looks great! I'm going to give that a try next month! Another piece to add for me - I think probably the shortest amount of time a model has ever sat in my pile of shame- picked up from the post office, built, painted and based within a couple of hours. It's not the most inspiring model, especially for a master, but I do like the patterns on the kimono which made it very easy to get some nice contrast. Still a bit of time left this month to finish some last pieces!
  13. Oh no i wasn't aware of that! Looks like I need to do some research and find a new hobby supplier.
  14. Yea I really like the grungy style you've gone for - it works really well for the subject matter. Out of interest what crews are you using them with? Ace - i look forward to that! Thank you! The flowers are a combo of the Green Stuff World Static Grass and their pink clump foliage. it has to be well varnished afterwards to ensure the flowers stay on! Green Stuff World has so much great stuff - i find it hard not to spend alot of money there!
  15. ha yes thank you for understnading what I meant and not what I actually said! - it's a complex keyword that I'm slowly getting my head around perhaps not the best choice for a relatively new player, but the models are lovely. I missed the end of the second paragraph in the LoS rules - which is what is relevant here - thank you both!
  16. Hello all, there is probably a simple answer to this but I can't find it in the rulebook. Can Nexus, using Omnipresent influence, draw line of sight from an enemy model with a parasite token and cause that enemy model to attack itself with Hive Strike? (whoops, i meant: draw LoS from an enemy model to the same enemy model) I know that models cannot target themselves with attack actions, but Nexus wouldn't be attacking itself it would be attacking an enemy model. I guess the question is whether a model can draw LoS to itself - which is what I can't find a resolution to in the rules. thanks in advance!
  17. @Brushgitthe skin on that Lady J is gorgeous! I second a call for a tutorial! I really enjoy the way you achieve very naturalistic tones. @HawkoonI'm really enjoying those Bloodwretches. I think those were the first Malifaux models I painted many years ago - they were fun to paint if I remember. What are the creepy bases made from? @Kogan StyleLovely Emissary - I like the weathered stone effect and how you've tied it in to Winston's base. He indeed looks fabulous. @Shock & AweGreat job on the fur on your Rougarou - what's the mossy effect on the base? @wobbly_goggyNice Monk - very characterful! I have managed to get a little more painting done this week - finish these 2 pairs of Last blossom minions. Not my best work, but honestly I just wanted to get them done - I have my first Malifaux tournament next month that I want to use Misaki for so I'm trying to get as much stuff painted as possible to keep my crew-building options open, but generally I rarely use these models. As for filling, I rarely bother, but if I do I use greenstuff worked with some moisturiser or handcream, which makes it very pliable for filling - you can almost paint it into the gaps. Still plenty of time left this month for more painting so I'm going to keep going while I feel productive.
  18. Great to see so many models finished so early into the month! @GheistI cant believe that you finished all of those ghosts in such a short time- bravo, they look amazing. Would you paint a malifaux crew in such a uniform manner or did you handle it that way because of the nature of the otherside being a squad based game? I must admit, after spending so many months only painting singles, the idea of painting more than one of anything at a time fills me with dread- I have 2 thunder archers and 2 katanaka Snipers in my queue this month and I don't know how I'll cope! 🙃 I've given myself a bit of a break after feeling productive last month and to actually play some games (my last blossom crew did well last week in their first outing), but I did manage to get this samurai painted this week. Painted primarily using drybrushes I very much had in mind something @Diddicksaid last month along the lines of acheiving a good time spent/result achieved ratio. This took me about 2 hours (or 3 x-files episodes) and I'm quite happy with it. The tones and colours are neutral as being a versatile model it can go into any of my Ten Thunders crews (all of which are painted in different schemes).
  19. My plan this month is to complete some odd bits and pieces I have to complete for various keywords. Primarily finishing off my last blossom crew with some thunder archers, katanaka Snipers and Yamaziko. I also have a half finished Samurai to compete.i have some gokudo for my yan lo crew to do and I have a couple of seishin to paint to accompany Kirai. Whilst working on the seishin I'm hoping to work in some drowned as well as they're the very last models I need for Urami- if I can get it to work I will try and tie those in with an entry for flowers and showers. If I get all that done, as a change of pace I'll do a test model for the tricksy crew I want to start next month. Its been a while since I've painted green skin so I could do with some feedback before I start the crew in ernest. This all seems ambitious now I write it down!
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