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Everything posted by Moinetbeard

  1. Cool Bandersnatch! i used a similar cotton web technique on my nexus stuff and also used some glue strands to make it look a bit more webby - it's quite delicate, but in a decent case should be ok. I sprayed it the whole model with matt varnish after applying the glue to hold it together and give it a matt look. I used the UHU all purpose adhesive.
  2. amazing work! it feels so great when you finish a keyword right?! I particularly love the variety of colour on these, as well as the work on the bases - what are they the egg case type things made from?
  3. I vote Serena and Chompy! Looking forward to seeing these!
  4. Great discussion topic this month! When it comes to choosing what I want to do with a mini before I start, I generally go with a common colour pallet for the models in that army/crew so that I have a similar theme running through. Honestly I have found the secret to avoiding burnout is to lower my standards 🙃. I enjoy playing malifaux as much as painting and would ideally spend my hobby time 50/50, and what I was finding (especially with playing games like 40k) was that I would spend a whole week painting a new unit, be excited to use it at my next game, and then it would get shot off the table before I had a chance to do anything with it. It's disheartening. I think defining a difference for myself between a table-ready finish and a mini where I've really tried to push the boat out, learn a new technique or do something special is important to keep momentum going and expectations in check. So here is the start of a new project, ready for when the title box comes out later this month! Like most of the stuff I paint nowadays, I wanted to spend no more than 2-3 hours on each mini, so I'm working mainly using contrast paints with a single,simple highlight. The rest of the crew is built and primed, so we'll see where we get to this month!
  5. Urgh so I had far more of a break from gaming and painting than intended this month. I got to the start of the week and realised I hadn't evened picked up a brush once. The whole family has a horrible cold and I really wasn't feeling it but also didn't want to drop out of the challenge so pushed through last night and managed these three- my only finished models this month for a total of 21 SS. Not my best work, but there we go. Hoping that next month I will feel a little more inspired! Looking forward to going through and seeing what everyone else has working on this month, but for now, bed!
  6. Thank you! and thanks very much for the tips - I felt like something wasn't quite right with it and you're right, it was the base - i've gone back and dulled it down a bit now - will post a revised pic when I get a sec, hopefully with a darker background.
  7. My final submission, just in the nick of time before the end of the month is Cavatica, which brings me to 125SS painted this month. I wanted to try a bit of object source lighting as it's an effect I've never worked on before. Not sure I'm 100% happy with it, but I learnt alot about how I'd approach the next one. I definitely need to try doing a black background for photographing models like this- maybe I'll try and take a photograph next month of I can sort one out. Next month will be a month of finishing bits off I think, I have a few spelleaters to paint for Cadmus, a Wokou raider and Jin for Last Blossom, and some Seishin. I'm going to try not to overdo it in August- I've got lots going on- family birthdays, a week off for a music festival and work will be busy. I'm going to try and actually get some games in too!
  8. Lovely work @Kogan Style those Umbra models look amazing- I'm a big fan of the purple/blue combo! I've finished my Botanists- I have to say that I didn't particular enjoy painting these- wondering if anyone had the same experience? I think it was to do with the type of plastic- so much of the detail was slightly off on the model. Anyway, I bashed through them. My favourite is the gremlin!
  9. I Feel like I shouldn't post again so soon, but I painted these little sweethearts tonight. Half way through the month and I'm feeling like I've still got plenty of models left in me- although I might take a little break to actually play some games next week!
  10. @LinenMusicianI really love that monochrome effect on Rook- very effective and makes him look very menacing- quite apt! @Hawkoonyour Woes are lovely- that transition between black, purple and green on Crowe is gorgeous. You always achieve such a lovely texture with paint on your models- so smooth. @wobbly_goggythat death Marshall looks great- the blue flames in particular- tonally it works really well. @Viruksuch amazing effects achieved on these models- piper's flames(?) And the swirling mists(?) on dreamer have a really ethereal quality. Thank you for your kind words - that means alot! I've been continuing my Explorers society models - working on the versatile models that I'd likely take with Nexus and the Cadmus keyword. So far I've finished the Emissary, the Effigy is not far behind and I've almost completed three botanists as well. My brother is coming over this weekend to do some painting with me and my kids (they are 2 and 4) who I have been trying to teach basic painting techniques to- I'll probably look to paint Cadmus kids in that session.
  11. First job of the month was to paint the Web markers I'd made for my Cadmus crew. Couple of hours, a bit of tumble-dryer sheet, lots of glue and done! Pretty pleased with how these turned out. They'll probably be quite impractical in a game but whatever!
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