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Posts posted by AzuraRayume

  1. @Nikodemusyeah, there's so many fiddly pieces on them. And the three I have came from a second-hand online blind box pre-assembled with plastic glue. I had to paint around the archer to get at all the filigree bits, which is why the mouth in the middle is a bit... lack luster for what I might have liked. The other two are primed, but seeing as how this one took me two days of hobby time to get to this point, I don't know when I'm gonna touch them. I do love them, though. Something about vaguely birdlike demons in shock rocker colors is really appealing.

  2. Couple new things!

    First up, the finished version of the Mysterious Emissary! Actually a big fan of how his kinda dead browns contrast against the brighter greens of the base. And I maybe went... a little overboard on the foliage, but you know what? It looks nice.


    Wow, that's a big picture.

    Next is the guy I've spent a few days on: a Tzaangor Skyfire archer from Warhammer: Age of Sigmar


    Personally, I'm very proud of the magic effect on the bottom. This whole thing has so many little blends and highlights, but that magic has about eight colors I mixed in it. It looks starker in photos; in person, the blends are really subtle and nice to look at. I like it. He's very neon, very 80's, very awesome.


    • Like 4
  3. See, that's... part of my problem.

    I mostly want to play Neverborn, so it might make more sense to make a more wooded/ruins board. Concentrate on, like, broken walls and overgrowth. But the first crew I really want to build is The Dreamer, and he fits well in a city-scape, so maybe cobblestone streets and buildings and maybe a train station. But I think it would be really fun to put together industrial terrain, something like a mountainside mine or even full factory setting for crews like M&SU, and basically... I have plenty of ideas but no real direction, so it might be best to actually lean into that instead of a specific theme.

    Black Magic Craft on YouTube has these great modular dungeon tiles, 3"x3" most often. I think the best plan for the most usability (since I am a single person with many hobbies) would be to make just. A whole ton of these. Cobblestone, metal sheeting, wood planks, grass and dirt, water, all sorts of stuff. Have some of them, the ones with more solid/flat textures, be double sided to save on the number of these little things I have to actually store. It could make any kind of map I would need for anything people wanted to play as well as not being locked into a single game. If we decide to play physical D&D, we can build scenes on it.

    The problem, I think, arises when I try to figure out what the actual style of this game is, like. I don't know what types of buildings or scatter terrain make the most sense. Most tutorials and inspiration pieces I find are either dystopian sci-fi or medieval fantasy, and I'm sure some of those pieces would fit? But definitely not a lot of them. I'm looking at scratch built more than mdf/terrain model kits, too, since I'm more likely to get a few dollars for foam and glue and random bits for $.50 at the thrift store than however much for a box of parts.

  4. I do have a bit of a request. If you've put together a Malifaux table, what kind of things do you think are important to have scenery-wise to get the aesthetic for a game? I can sit around and make a whole bunch of terrain bits, but I don't actually know where to start. Mostly thinking of small scatter pieces since I don't have much of a workspace right now, but building styles and things would be great, too!

    Uh... you come here for miniature photos, so here's the thing I painted today. Which is the base for the Mysterious Emissary. Honestly this base is complicated enough to be a mini of its own. I added some gloss ModPodge to the insides of the plant mouths and over the little baby nephilim or whatever they are since they fell out of the plant mouths.


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  5. It was warm at last today! I got several things primed, but this little guy was actually already based and ready to go. I still wanted to do something after changing my bike tire, so! A little Arcane Effigy! He uses the same blue and silver as the Arcane Emissary, and I Love using Vallejo Basic Skin Tone over a dark brown to make parchment color.


    I'm hoping I can make the other Effigy/Emissary sets match, but I am, uh... Very skeptical of the Mysterious ones working out that well.

    • Like 5
  6. 9 hours ago, Engorn said:

    Idea taken from Black Magic Craft?

    Yep! His tutorials are great, and I've ended up watching a lot of them. The inside walls aren't cut solid, though, since I didn't manage to cut them even; they're two layers of cut bricks with paper clay in between to fill the gaps. It makes a pretty good mortar, but it's kind of fragile when it's thin, so be sure to seal it if you use it.

    • Like 1
  7. All the images in my old thread are broken for some reason, so I'm gonna start a new one.

    I moved, and moving both killed a lot of my drive to paint and kind of destroyed a lot of my free time trying to get a new job and everything. I do have a friend who has been getting me to do craft things with her when we video chat every couple weeks, so I haven't exactly been inactive, just not as active as I'd like. It's also been too cold to prime minis for the past couple months, so a lot of things I actually want to work on, I can't beyond assembly. That said.


    There's uh... kind of a bunch. Most of the painted ones actually came from a miniature resale site that handles pretty much only Warhammer. But I really like Seraphon, and some of them have come in pre-primed, so I could paint them whenever I wanted. Four raptor riders (one fully painted), Seraphon Wardrummer, Skink Sun Priest, and Seraphon Oldblood. And the Carnosaur is fully assembled, but his saddle and rider are not.

    As for Malifaux minis, there's the Arcane and Carrion Effigies, Carrion and Mysterious Emissary, and the alt sculpt Rogue Necromancy. The base for the Mysterious Emissary is ridiculous, and he's not going on there until it's painted because otherwise I won't get to any of that detail, and the Arcane Effigy is the only one that's actually on a base.

    The only Malifaux mini I have left to build is the Mysterious Effigy, and I still have most of the Seraphon box I can put together.

    Anyway, here's a couple Seraphon photos I have from when it wasn't -1 F and snowing outside.


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  8. @Nikodemus I haven't yet, actually. Between getting distracted by painting werewolves and moving four states over, I haven't had much chance to mess with him. I am gonna hit it with a dark brown and maybe the black wash again, dry brush a little more on the top.

    I'll post the werewolves as well as a single Seraphon Wardrummer I've finished one I get home. I'm about halfway through the Goritsi wolves and getting started on the Seraphon starter box my brother got me for my birthday :D

  9. @Ultravanillasmurf Seamus' crews might also benefit from either yellow or gray washes over the base skin tone, then makeup done over that. Eyeshadow, lipstick, blush, maybe even patchy foundation on their faces and arms. I think he tries to keep them in good shape but ends up mostly painting garish makeup on them, especially their faces, until they fall apart too much. He's not exactly... careful in a lot of the podcast I've gotten through. 

    And an actual painting update!


    Man, I am honestly so proud of this guy. He's huge and awesome and so very shiny ;; Not entirely happy with the cobbles, I think they might benefit from another wash because they don't exactly look like stone, but the rest of him is very wonderful to me, I just. Love him.


    Next is the Goritsi Shield Breaker from Wrath of Kings, as voted by my WoW guild. I have him assembled already, and, wow, those models are neat.

    • Like 7
  10. I do plan on getting a lot of the pigs, at least the Makin' Bacon set. A lot of the box art is just pink pigs, but if you're looking for some variety, there are quite a few domestic breeds and wild species you can draw inspiration from!




    It would be especially cool if you made some patterned pigs that complemented whatever colors you end up choosing for your gremlins well. So they both stand out on a table but look like they belong together.

    • Like 2
  11. Here's the Rogue Necromancy I finished! The wings are a little patchy as I was hoping, but it kind of lends itself to the shabby undead look he has going on. I might go in with a bright lime green and make the eyes a bit brighter.


    Up next on the handle is the Arcane Emissary! I got all the base coating done as well as the muscle shading and the great, wonderful thing that is this face.


    I love the details on this guy's head, and I love the little bands on the horns. Vallejo metallics really do shine (lmao) without distracting from the rest of the color and shading. It doesn't look as good if you just paint it solid, but dry brushing it over other painted parts is a wonderful effect.

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  12. I took these three outside for some nice natural light photos. Also I'm finally done with that D&D stag!




    I also finished Rogue Necromancy. Just need to get some good photos of it. Then it's on to the Arcane Emissary and several other things. I keep buying minis, save me.

    • Like 9
  13. Hey, everyone. I'm alive, just incredibly busy at work all the time with little energy left to paint at the end of the day. I did knock out most of the base for that deer, though, so I can post pictures soon. I'm hoping I can get the gems looking decent by Friday because finally get to see some o my friends again, a couple of whom also paint minis and are the reason I got into this in the first place.

    I do want to talk about something because it pertains to one of my upcoming minis: rot.

    Malifaux is full of undead, so it's no surprise that there's plenty of rotten, terrible creatures to paint. But... the tendency is to gravitate towards greens for a majority of colors. Movie and cartoon zombies are green, but real-world rot?

    A freshly-dead zombie would look almost alive. Their skintone would be grayer without bloodflow, but otherwise would look normal. After several hours, the eyes lose fluid and sink in. Carnivorous animals develop "green belly" over their digestive tract, but you can't see it through fur. This is also the only time undead could really bleed.

    Later stages will want to rely more on yellow than green. Grayed skintone colored with a yellow wash would give the sickly look without being green. Fur and hair lose luster but will keep their color as well. Fat becomes yellow or even orange. Internal organs rot away to black. Claws and beaks will either turn black or transparent.

    Bone is... fascinating. Sun-bleached bone is bright white but flakey. Most clean bones are ivory colored, but museum clean bone typically doesn't happen on its own. Fat seeps into bone, especially in recesses or where muscles attach, and stains bone yellow to even orange. Blood may pool in sinuses and cavities as well as under injuries, which then turns black. Decomp in water can turn bone green from algae or even black from dead bacteria.

    Mummified tissue is gray or tan and very stiff. It typically has the staining from fat as well, so the edges will be yellow-brown. Mummified organs very often darken as they dry but rarely occur naturally.

    This has been my TEDtalk on dead stuff. If you want pictures, just ask. I either have them or know where to get them. I'm going to see about applying all this to the Rogue Necromancy mini.

    • Like 2
  14. @Nikodemus I think I'll have to make some other backgrounds just to get good photos of some things. That's probably a project for when I can get hold of some foamcore again.

    I really like subtle, natural gradients. That, combined with the fact that my primer went on a liiiittle too thick on his legs and belly makes his details not show up as well as I might like. Ah, well. Live and learn.

    Next for Malifaux is gonna be either the Arcane Emissary or one of the Rogue Necromancy sculpts, and I would love some opinions on those three if anyone has them. Immediately next, though, is a little D&D stag I found at the hobby shop while looking for an XL painting handle.


    His hooves, antlers, and the stones will be painted turquoise and purple like gemstones to give him a magical feel. I like how the spots came out; hopefully they stay that vibrant once he dries completely.

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  15. @Caedrus I might sometime, but I also kind of like making the stones by hand. It takes a while, but the each end up unique that way. I don't know, we'll see how I feel about it after I make several more.

    Teddy is finished and nearly impossible to photograph because he's all black/gray.


    The purple is a bit brighter in person, but no lighting I could get would make it show up well in pictures. Ah, well.

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  16. Thank you so much! I watched... way too many videos of painting tips on everything from basics to undercoat highlights to gradients before I got started. When I saw the ME2 models, this is one that really caught my eye, so I've had this idea kicking around in my brain for a while. Surprisingly, he turned out almost exactly as I has imagined.

    I did order a Teddy (as well as one of those painting handles because I want to make my life easier). Eventually I want to pick up the ME3 Dreamer crew in case I find people who actually play, but that can wait a little bit. Curse you, fun but expensive hobbies!

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